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  1. C

    ~ Academy Supernatural ~ RULES AND SUBMISSION [ACCEPTING!]

    Name:Black Heart Age:118 looks and sounds 18 Supernatural Power Demon Bio: BlackHeart is the son of Satan. He has been abused by his father for most of his life, When BlackHeart turned 116 (human years 16) He fought his father to the death loseing only by an inch of his life. 200 (demon...
  2. C

    The Performing Arts Academy

    -walks into the school, gets out of my dads car. He drives off in a hurry leaveing me and my bags at the front gate. I walk into the school building and put my stuff into my dorm. I pass the nurse on my way to class and see all the blood. I think: WHAT THE ****?!
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    The Performing Arts Academy RULES

    Name: Karkat Vantas Age: 16 Gender: Male Looks- Dorm - Bio: Karkat is crabby person in alot of ways, he is always angry but has a soft side.