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  1. Gurochan

    Morrogoth's Manor

    Name: Elizabeth Bathory. She is given the keyword "Dragon's Daughter" Gender: Female Age: ??? Birthday: May 17 Height: 154cm 172cm (Horns) Weight: 44kg Rank: Countess Bio: She was born into the one of the noble families of Hungary, the Bathory family which uses the fang of a...
  2. Gurochan

    Fantasy Morrogoth's Manor

    Drip. Drop. Drop Drip. Alternating pitches of viscous liquid dripping could be heard from miles as the queer sound reverberates through the air. Its source unknown. *Pitter-patter.* Only increments in volume follow the Countess' grand entry into her new abode and then, all of a sudden, the...