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  1. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    (Willpower Test) 4616
  2. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias slowly crept out of the rail car, that ever-present frown upon his lips as his weapon swept across the new area. Before being told a thing, he was already looking around for the safest cover and any points that could be an ambush. The paranoid sniper had to smack his companion upside...
  3. VisionImp

    It all started in Greywater..

  4. VisionImp

    It all started in Greywater..

    @Rowgen @Hellkite @Unlucky Fellow @Bones Johnson
  5. VisionImp

    It all started in Greywater..

  6. VisionImp

    Fantasy It all started in Greywater..

    (This will be for my D&D 5e campaign. I already have players and all, this is just a placeholder for now!)
  7. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias never let his weapon drop as they navigated through to the train. Once they were settled in the car and moving, he would go to take a seat on the floor. When Lucian remained standing and chattering on about something, Zach glared at him and as if given a silent order, the man trailed...
  8. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias was making sure no one snuck up on them as his companions got the door open. And as the door was finally forced open, he waited for a moment, expecting gun fire but when none came in that split second period, he moved inside with his weapon raised. He scanned the area, his goggles...
  9. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    (Awareness Roll) 4131
  10. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias sighed a little to himself as he watched the machine-man try, and fail, to open the door. Already seeing where this was going.. "I'll watch our backs." He said then turned around to survey the area, weapon raised.. Lucian was going on about nonsense, which Zach was doing his best to...
  11. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias listened closely to the Sergeant speak out to the whole squad, nodding in agreement at the man's words. He spoke much more elegantly than Zach ever could. At receiving his order, Zacharias nodded again, "Yes, sir," he said, speaking a normal-person's volume now and then would smack...
  12. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    The poor sniper was.. frustrated and annoyed by his allies' confrontation and saddened by the subject. He kept himself silent, shaking his head with disapproval as he just made sure nothing tried to sneak up on them as they very clearly made everyone's presence even more noticeable.
  13. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias frowned as he heard the emotionally distressed woman screaming elsewhere and this just made him even more paranoid as his weapon quickly swept about between buildings.. "Yelling will just lead others to us.." He mused softly to himself, pulling his cloak more securely around him.
  14. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias stuck behind his cover for a few moments longer as the sounds of combat died down. Finally, after confirmation from Lucian, he peeked out and moved away from his cover. He kept his cloak close to his body as he carefully surveyed their personal bloody arena. He looked at Lucian then...
  15. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias quickly surveyed the scene when he realized that he was not under any direct fire. Raising his rifle over the cover once more, Zach punched Lucian's shoulder, who seemed to be on some tangent about "Sarge always yellin' at us ta do stuff," getting the man's attention and aiming at...
  16. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    After every shot, Zacharias would immediately take cover behind the rubble he had made his new nest of operations. Lucian would give him details as he peeked over to let out some more las-fire. Once he was given a new target, he raised his rifle to take aim.. In his sights was the Ork that was...
  17. VisionImp

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Zacharias and his comrade's eyes went wide as they saw their companions fall lifelessly to the ground. Hearing the agonizing screams caused Zacharias's eyes to take on a whole new look.. One of terror and of rage. Lucian was at a loss, complaining to the sniper as Zach took a moment to catch his...
  18. VisionImp

    Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Black Crusade, Hive Mutant Edition

    Take Three on the rolling! 3627 And I shall take Strange Voice.
  19. VisionImp

    Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Black Crusade, Hive Mutant Edition

    Annnd I would greatly appreciate a reroll, as I have a slight bug phobia. >.>;
  20. VisionImp

    Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Black Crusade, Hive Mutant Edition

    Got Animal Hybrid and I'm actually pretty fine with that. I have to roll for which animal I am mixed with, aww yeah. 3624