I just made a near-500 word google document for a WIP system. It is designed exactly for one on one GMless Adventure and Drama RP and you can decide how powerful your character is without a progression system. It is also completely diceless, but might get a variant where such an option is openly...
I'm a beginner or just rusty. I could use a 3-way rp so that I can sit back and contribute less than a heavy one-on-one rp. Hoping to do a basic Dungeon crawl, with traps and monsters! We need a thread and an OOC place, maybe RP on the website and communicate on Discord or just keep two DM threads.
@Idea I really like the idea of dropping points and just having creative problem solving. Another idea is to additionally have Attributes that are rated Poor, Average, Good, and Great. Most challenges are Mediocre or Good, and having the same score or above gives you a pass. This gives some...
So this is the structure I am going for. The idea is that this gives direct permission to do most cool things. Anyone can open a door, but expertly picking locking the door might require an Aspect that heavily implies or directly says you can do that. An additional idea is having Points, where...
I want to try out the Website's system and just basically try to vibe with roleplaying before I do anything serious. We can try a basic dungeon quest with traps and monsters. I like the idea of a character sheet to give direct permissions for Roleplay, such as being a Knight means people are...
I want to try Roleplay again, and since I can't use my Discord I'll have to see how DMs work for RP, mainly an In Character/Out of Character separation, a place to keep character info, and a possible dice roller.
I wish to know how to run a one-on-one adventure, especially if I give my friend the ability to run multiple characters in a "party" while I run NPCs and Bad Guys.
Light RP system, simply uses d20, D&D Ability Scores, and Consitution acting as a Death Saving Throw instead of HP. Can also add Skills and possibly Stunts similar to Fate.
For setting, I feel either Baldur's Gate or a Dwarf Stronghold but can humor other ideas within the setting.