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  1. Lord Everfear

    Pairings and Fandoms alike! I'm just really bored! :D

    I would love to do a romance RP with you! <3 Please start a conv. with me. I can't do it yet because I haven't been registered on this site for a full 24 hours anyway, here are my ideas. Which one do you like best? Kidnapper x Kidnapped / Stalker x Victim A well-known author is kidnapped by...
  2. Lord Everfear

    1x1 Romance (m/f or m/m)

    So, want to RP over the forum then? Is there anything in particular you're craving right now? If not, I can post a list of plot ideas I had in mind Hey, want to RP over the forum? Anything you're craving?
  3. Lord Everfear

    Hello Everyone!

    So, TiredWriter, would you like to RP with me? You'll have to show me how to send PM's and do all that because I just joined less than an hour ago
  4. Lord Everfear

    1x1 Romance (m/f or m/m)

    How do I start a convo with you? I'm new to this site
  5. Lord Everfear

    1 On 1 romance

    Are you still looking for partners. I have the perfect 'bad boy' character if you're still interested
  6. Lord Everfear

    1x1 Romance (m/f or m/m)

    Hey, I'm looking to do a 1x1 romance RP. My posts are generally 1 to 2 paragraphs in length. I'm really laid-back and easygoing when it comes to roleplays, and I'm OK with one-liners and poor spelling/grammar as long as I can understand what you're trying to say. There's nothing in particular...
  7. Lord Everfear

    Hello Everyone!

    Hey everybody, Martin here! I am known as everfear2 on Gaia Online... I came here because Gaia is having some technical issues right now and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and doing some roleplays. I mainly do romance 1x1's. I prefer to play male...