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  1. hihohyena

    Other Apocalypse Lore

    Crap there's a bit of a typo
  2. hihohyena

    Other Apocalypse Lore

    (Preface: this is for my developing post-apocalypse discord server, anyone above 18 is free to join, just message me :3) "It's been years since the apocalypse started, somehow those things are still shambling around like nothing had changed, groaning and calling out for 'help'... All they want...
  3. hihohyena

    Story A Jester's Introduction
    Index: Creator

    This is one of my (if only) not horror writings, so I thought this would be a good start. Most of my other work has some sort of gore in it which I don't think would be welcome or allowed on this site, and I don't want to break any guidelines. I hope you enjoy reading! :3
  4. hihohyena

    Story A Jester's Introduction

    The renfaire was bustling with activity as many people talked and walked around the site, buying things or taking enjoyment out of those who worked as the entertainers. Ali strolled around in her normal street clothes, seeing this as an interesting attraction to visit. Of course, she kept to...
  5. hihohyena

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi! You can call me Az, or just Hyena, but I'm new to this site. I used to use Amino but then stopped role-playing with new people, so this is sort of a new revival to rping with me. I'm up for basically anything honestly, I hope to meet some cool folks ^^