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  1. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    Apologies for the confusion, I'm new to this site so I assumed rounds just meant in turns.
  2. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood [An Original Vampire Roleplay]

    Lady Moarte observed from her seat as more people entered the council room. First, there was Heavenly, who was not someone that Sorana had judged to be an imminent threat but also not someone she wanted to underestimate. Still, she clearly had a softer side, and Sorana couldn't decide if it was...
  3. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    Oh, I didn't specify if we were doing rounds or not, but I would try to stick to doing so just so that no one ends up left behind. If you go a little out of order that's fine though. Also, I really like everyone's replies so far!
  4. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood Characters

    Character list has been updated, everyone is accepted once more!
  5. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    It's more of a free for all, so that way there can be some infighting within the families too over it.
  6. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    That's totally fine!
  7. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    Also if anyone has characters that I've missed in accepting please let me know!
  8. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood Characters

    Accepted and added to the list of characters!
  9. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    How dare this wretched coding insert a random emoji into my acronym.
  10. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    Starter is up in this thread - TL;DR for the starter is that the Court of Blood and their agents are supposed to meet in the council room to discuss what to do about the Harkers and such.
  11. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood [An Original Vampire Roleplay]

    The Court of Blood was not known for staying in one place. Technically, it was located somewhere in the forests of eastern Europe, but sometimes it was spotted in the Americas, or Japan, or really anywhere that one looked for it. Entrances to the court could be found all over the world, portals...
  12. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    I think we have enough characters to get started. I can post a starter tomorrow when I get out of work, or if anyone else feels up to posting one in the meantime feel free!
  13. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood Characters

    Character list has been updated again! All finished characters are once more accepted.
  14. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    Thanks for the heads up, I didn't notice! I'll take a look after I get my coursework done!
  15. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    None of them have to have specific abilities, each one can be however you'd like! Some families are known for having certain abilities due to the progenitor of their bloodlines but it's not a requirement. The progenitors of each bloodline and what they'd be associated with are as follows: -...
  16. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood Characters

    All finished characters have been accepted and added to the character list in the lore thread!
  17. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    I think we would want to wait to have a descendant of Dracula appear until later on in the roleplay! A member of the Karnstein family definitely works though!
  18. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood Characters

    Name: Sorana Moarte Appearance: Sorana stands at about 5'7, although many would claim she is taller due to her imposing stature. She has long wavy black hair that is often tied up in intricate fashions, and she often dresses in a nun's vestments. Her eyes are a soft green except when she's...
  19. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    Cool! That sounds good!
  20. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood OOC

    Hello! I think any number of characters is fine, maybe stick to one or two per family, though, if you make them part of a family!