Search results for query: *

  1. CountCattitude

    Chitchat If you were to embark on a journey to a distant planet, which fruit or vegetable would you take with you, to be able to taste it far away from earth?

    Potatoes and apples. Gimme those 'Tatos mashed, fried, cooked, and in every other shape or form there is. Except potato pancakes. Those are disgusting. Same for apples. Plus, ever tried mashed potatoes with apple sauce? Sounds weird, but it's awesome!
  2. CountCattitude

    Looking for New friends to talk to about anything

    Hey Gray! I'm 26, go by she/her as well as they/them (honestly I don't really care about my pronouns or my gender, I'm just... me, I guess) and, hey neighbor, I'm from Germany, too! I don't have Autism but ADHD (although I am questioning whether or not I might be on the lighter end of the...
  3. CountCattitude

    Only 7-8 weeks old and Sokka already has bigger paws than our 2-year old cat. I'm starting to...

    Only 7-8 weeks old and Sokka already has bigger paws than our 2-year old cat. I'm starting to think we adopted a tiger 🫠
  4. CountCattitude

    You have to fight your most recent image!

    I am toast.
  5. CountCattitude

    [ATTACH] Just discovered my babies go through a magical girl transformation as soon as I lay on...

    Just discovered my babies go through a magical girl transformation as soon as I lay on the couch with a fluffy blanket. Katara (left) turns into a limp pile of limbs (say that three times fast!) and Sokka (right) unleashed his inner goat. That guy's gonna give me concussion one day.
  6. CountCattitude

    Other Show me your pets [MEGATHREAD]

    Behold! The Chaos Triad! My girl Bella, who was rescued from an awful owner and found her forever home with us and Sokka and Katara, who lost their family to a dog and found a new family in Bella and us.
  7. CountCattitude

    [ATTACH] She zonked out so hard 🫠

    She zonked out so hard 🫠
  8. CountCattitude

    Introduce Yourself!

    You. I like you.
  9. CountCattitude

    Other Who was your first fictional crush? Compare them to your current one.

    Used to be Zuko. Now it's Zuko. I mean c'mon. Flameo, Hotman
  10. CountCattitude

    Introduce Yourself!

    Heya! I'm CountCattitude, Warden of the Chaos Triad, Guardian of 12 paws, Opener of cans and Scritcher of chins. Aside from keeping the hordes of purrdition in check, I do love to meet new people, read, game, consume an unhealthy amount of cat pics on Reddit and, of course, write! May the paws...