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  1. UnderBough

    Fandom Lasting Impact: A Dark Crystal Roleplay

  2. UnderBough

    [ATTACH] Well hey there!!

    Well hey there!!
  3. UnderBough

    Fandom Lasting Impact: A Dark Crystal Roleplay

    Yep! Just waiting on @KaasVedas
  4. UnderBough

    Multiple Settings Bough's Interest Check (Fantasy and Fandom [Star Wars, Adult Animation, Gothic Lit, Classic Movies])

    Hi there! That's awesome :) Are there any characters or plot lines in particular that you'd be interested in?
  5. UnderBough

    Thanks for the follow!

    Thanks for the follow!
  6. UnderBough

    Fandom Lasting Impact: A Dark Crystal Roleplay

    Skeksis Name: skekRa the Mortician Appearance: About 6'3 feet tall, dressed in long black and white robes. Like all Skeksis he has a long, hairless tail and four arms (two small ones sprouting just behind his shoulders, though they still have use. The other Skeksis' secondary arms are...
  7. UnderBough

    Fandom Lasting Impact: A Dark Crystal Roleplay

    I'll have my characters written up and posted here tomorrow, y'all. Looking forward to seeing everybody else's as well! Their names are skekRa the Mortician, urEl the Sculptor, and Isla the Stonewood Gelfling. More details to follow.
  8. UnderBough

    Unfortunately, Peter Lorre is so short and hides behind people so often that he will forever be...

    Unfortunately, Peter Lorre is so short and hides behind people so often that he will forever be cropped out of any shots I set for my banner. So here's some appreciation for our tiny king.
  9. UnderBough

    I know I just joined a couple weeks ago and got my profile all set up, but because it's...

    I know I just joined a couple weeks ago and got my profile all set up, but because it's September I feel I must prepare for Spooky Month with a little makeover.
  10. UnderBough

    Fandom Lasting Impact: A Dark Crystal Roleplay

    @KaasVedas skekMal would be cool! Especially since he's versatile in terms of his ability to travel from place to place. The urRu and Skeksis are usually so stationary, but skekMal and urVa present a really good opportunity to link the castle to the Mystic haven.
  11. UnderBough

    Fandom Lasting Impact: A Dark Crystal Roleplay

    Hi! Unfortunately this particular rp is closed, but you can pm me if you like. I don't do romances, but I'm open to 1 on 1 roleplays.
  12. UnderBough

    Fandom Lasting Impact: A Dark Crystal Roleplay

    Works for me! I have an original Skeksis as well. There were 18 in all, each named and accounted for, but this is our roleplay so obviously we can raise that number to 20, 21, whatever we feel like.
  13. UnderBough

    Fandom Lasting Impact: A Dark Crystal Roleplay

    Both are super choices. Do y'all have a preference for whether we focus on one setting or two? Since there are urRu involved I'd guess we should probably plan for two in the long run, but what about when we're first starting out?
  14. UnderBough

    Multiple Settings Bough's Interest Check (Fantasy and Fandom [Star Wars, Adult Animation, Gothic Lit, Classic Movies])

    Ahh gotcha. My post does say that I don't roleplay romances. Thanks for your interest though!
  15. UnderBough

    Multiple Settings Bough's Interest Check (Fantasy and Fandom [Star Wars, Adult Animation, Gothic Lit, Classic Movies])

    I have a feeling my characters might clash with the Van Helsing-esque weres, I'm I said before, they're more along the lines of a Hammer horror movie rather than early 2000s. If you think there's a chance they could mesh then I might give it a go.
  16. UnderBough

    Multiple Settings Bough's Interest Check (Fantasy and Fandom [Star Wars, Adult Animation, Gothic Lit, Classic Movies])

    It's a strange movie...definitely an acquired taste. I did watch it four times in one night while I had a fever, which I guess speaks to my love for it? Maybe I'll give Van Helsing a watch sometime then!
  17. UnderBough

    Multiple Settings Bough's Interest Check (Fantasy and Fandom [Star Wars, Adult Animation, Gothic Lit, Classic Movies])

    I haven't but I've heard good things about Van Helsing. That's the one with the guy from Moulin Rouge in it, right?
  18. UnderBough

    Multiple Settings Bough's Interest Check (Fantasy and Fandom [Star Wars, Adult Animation, Gothic Lit, Classic Movies])

    I'm afraid that's not really my area of expertise, but I do enjoy classic-era vampires if that's the sort of vibe you'd be going for with your weres.
  19. UnderBough

    Multiple Settings Bough's Interest Check (Fantasy and Fandom [Star Wars, Adult Animation, Gothic Lit, Classic Movies])

    That just means main characters as opposed to NPCs. Sorry, I'm not used to roleplay forum lingo yet. Transferred over from a pretty small writing site, and my experience beyond that is D&D.