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  1. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Calliope was dealing best she could. In her last life she was always an anxious person. It was hard for her to deal with these sorts of things healthily, or directly. She at least found Liza and Jane's presence to be comforting, but they have different hopes for Callie, different intentions. Not...
  2. timidAristocrat

    Fandom Dipifica cravings

    giving this only a single bump just in case
  3. timidAristocrat

    Fandom Dipifica cravings

    Ok I'm gonna be totally real here I need this, really badly. I've shipped these two since I was their age in the show and just think the idea of it is so fucking cute. The nerd and the rich girl! Sooo I wanna just, sit down and rp some, why not! But not like the sweeping romances or grand...
  4. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    It was odd sometimes how new members of the family reacted to their gifts. For some like Vivian it was a steep lifelong learning curve. For others like Callie here, it almost came naturally to them, not to say it wasn't difficult. Breath in, her hair rises, and breath out, her hair falls again...
  5. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Callie squeaks at Selysia giggles, clearly charmed by just how skittish the young girl was. Of course, Callie was not as amused, in her mind this half stone lady, see through skinned boy and half rotting man are all slowly closing in on her- She's never been that good with pressure, even despite...
  6. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Calliope takes a short breath, peeking through the room at Adonis again. She knows the appearance of a hung over man, but obviously given her new role in the family perhaps it's best not to mention it. She gives a soft wave to him before being shooed along by Liza. Besides, she had bigger...
  7. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Calliope squeaked in surprise when she heard Jane- or, well, Liza speaking behind her. She needs to fully connect the fact that Lizas voice always comes from without, rather than within herself. But she softly nods at the message and takes a slow breath. I mean surely after all the rest of the...
  8. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    If you were wondering perhaps why Callie was dealing with this situation so well... It's cope. She's trying to cope as best she can right about now and is doing her absolute best despite not the best of circumstance. She's trying her best to keep it all together, and is helped by the calming...
  9. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Calliope. She wasn't sure how to feel about the name. She knows it isn't hers and yet, its stuck in her mind, lodged in there with no sign of wanting to come free any moment soon. Every person she'd met in her past life, every time they spoke to her its all she can hear. Think not on the fact...
  10. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Callie shifted softly in the bed, still not fully comfortable with her body yet. It l everything feels wrong... The incorrect scale, wrong coordination, wrong color hair and especially the name. "C... Calliope... I think? I... Uhh... It feels like that's my name but i know it wasn't- but i just...
  11. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Callie hardly resisted as she was scooped up, her small form being perfectly easy to whisk off and away upstairs. She would stay conscious for at least part of the ride, but her eyelids got too heavy, her blinks each getting longer and longer before soon one blink was too much, and her little...
  12. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Okay.... okay! Right, this isn't hell. Thats... comforting right? Like that's the right response, to be comforted by this fact yeah? Well, mild relief at least found its way to her. She was only just about ingratiated by the news when the second less lovely bit of news finds its way to her. She...
  13. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Callie was in... well probably the worst state she can remember. She hasn't cried like this in forever, though I suppose that's what you get when avoidance as a coping mechanism grows to that level. Nothing can tip you off like that if you avoid all of it. Staying in your room on Friday nights...
  14. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    She kept holding her breath over and over, trying just trying to get a moments silence with her thoughts but she couldnt keep the sobbing from interrupting her. She used to be a crybaby like this, when she was little... I guess being little again means going back to some of those base instincts...
  15. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Calliope was terrified. Wouldn't you be? Waking up from a car crash in some Victorian manor surrounded by an extra evil version of the Addams Family and being told this is where you belong? She was trembling already from the idea of it... Always such a scaredy cat, she never got over it- but...
  16. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Selysia turns as she hears the panting from the stairs behind her, only noticing the girl for a second before she dissapears again. She quickly calls out to the family members around her. "This way! She's... teleporting perhaps? Calliope? Dear- please we're not going to hurt you-" She begins...
  17. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Selysia cooed as she watches what she perceives to be a tender exchange between mother and daughter take place in front of her. She squees happily at the idea that she looks like Liza, having to fan herself a bit to keep her from overloading at just how cute she was! She wishes she had more...
  18. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    Falltime was always pleasant for the family, though, I suppose it's always at least somewhat pleasant when you have the wealth and influence to force it so. The trees on the fringes of the manor starting to get that orange tinge to them. Landscapers in the family's employ quietly raking away...
  19. timidAristocrat

    Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

    When you're dreaming, you think it to be your reality. You keep a layer of the real world in your mind, enough to keep your senses about you, but the fundamental understanding of how the world works is replaced by that of the dream. However, with dreams, you eventually wake up. Your mind...
  20. timidAristocrat

    Just browsing is all, i like to see what people are up to. I'll let you know if I'm interested...

    Just browsing is all, i like to see what people are up to. I'll let you know if I'm interested in anything! c: