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  1. LakeKnightOfGreenPrydain

    Looking to get into Scion 2E

    Thank ya!
  2. LakeKnightOfGreenPrydain

    Looking to get into Scion 2E

    That sounds pretty good! Ifin ya don't mind.
  3. LakeKnightOfGreenPrydain

    Looking to get into Scion 2E

    Okay, so all we need is a Storyguide for our group @AllTone @Gravitational Force @Nellancholy @Arynne and me!
  4. LakeKnightOfGreenPrydain

    Looking to get into Scion 2E

    I...Haven't thought that far ahead. Either or works for me. But maybe the former is better?
  5. LakeKnightOfGreenPrydain

    Looking to get into Scion 2E

    Hmm...Ya know what? We can give it a shot!
  6. LakeKnightOfGreenPrydain

    Looking to get into Scion 2E

    Awesome! Any experience is fine by me. Hell, I'm glad one person showed interest. I'm still tryin' to figure out which of my planned Scions I'm going with. There's a lot...
  7. LakeKnightOfGreenPrydain

    Looking to get into Scion 2E

    Yeah, the title explains it all. I really want to play the Second Edition Scion game from Onyx Path Publishing. What can I say? It appeals to someone like me, who grew up on the works of Rick Riordan. I even recently bought and downloaded various guide books/supplementary material for it! First...
  8. LakeKnightOfGreenPrydain

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hey, I'm new-but-not-so-new. Been play-by-posting for a long now, but took a long hiatus due to reasons.