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  1. NorthBeastArt

    Fandom Devil May… Take on an Apprentice?

    ”Most people are afraid of the dragons and my family, so you don’t get too many visitors here.” The girl explained as she carefully climbed off the dragon’s back and stroked along its neck as she approached. “I’m Polaris. This is Seadancer.” Seadancer simply yawned and shook his head, decidedly...
  2. NorthBeastArt

    Fandom Devil May… Take on an Apprentice?

    Contact with the strange old family had been brief, but almost desperate. One would expect that an old bloodline with dragons would be capable of magic, or that magic would be a fairly common occurrence. But no. Despite having the ability to tame and control fire made flesh, magic had all but...
  3. NorthBeastArt

    Fandom Dragon Rider Apprentice: Results May Vary

    Quiet days never quite lasted long in the manor. Not with an heir who had somehow rediscovered magic. One was lucky to go an hour or two without something breaking, or a playing card cutting through a wall, or a small explosion. Fortunately, the worst injury anyone had sustained from these...
  4. NorthBeastArt

    Fandom Looking for Long Term OC X CC RP partners (18+ please)

    Hi, I’m North! I’m currently looking for people to RP some OC X CC with, specifically for Devil May Cry and Genshin Impact. I’m more than willing to double up, and actually hope to, as I love other people’s OCs. Please note that my OC is kinda based on House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones, and is...
  5. NorthBeastArt

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello. Am North. Fandom OC role player mostly, might do original original stuff later lol