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  1. Bumbly_Bee

    Fantasy The Hermit of Laron (M/M pairings only) Looking for Active Partner

    Definitely interested! Sent you a DM <3
  2. Bumbly_Bee

    Fantasy LF : High Fantasy or Post- Apocalyptic

    Looking for someone who would be interested in a high fantasy (dragons, magic, elves, etc, think LOTR, HOTYD, medieval fantasy, DND-esque) or someone who is interested in Post Apocalyptic/ Sci-fi (think Fall Out, Blade Runner, Mortal Engines, Alita Battle Angel, etc.) I don't currently have any...
  3. Bumbly_Bee

    Introduce Yourself!

    Howdy Howdy! I'm Bee and I've been a roleplayer for years. Dropped out of the roleplaying scene for quite a while and was an avid user of Feralfront back when that was a thing! I'm also on Umbra and Rp Repository if anyone wants to find me there :)