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  1. Pliades

    Fandom 1x1 Partner Search [Harry Potter, Apoc, Forgotten Realms]

    Requirements 1.) Be 18+. No exceptions. 2.) Don't expect me to be super chatty OOC about personal things. I love good headcanon discussions and I'll tell you if I have schedule conflicts that delay my ability to post, but as a general rule I'm not open to chatting and knowing people beyond our...
  2. Pliades

    Advice/Help Longer replies?

    To reiterate what GojiBean said, because they made a lot of excellent points, one thing that can add even a few sentences to every post is remembering that your character is in an environment. Indoor/outdoor/combination, interacting with made-up objects likely to be in that environment, body...
  3. Pliades

    Viewpoint How do you deal with hostility

    Some others have mentioned no tolerance for boundary crossing/OOC hostility, which I agree with and implement in my own writing partnerships. There's really no excuse for taking out your own insecurities/bad day on someone else or projecting your bad mood in someone's direction to try to either...
  4. Pliades

    Advice/Help How to balance work/rp/life/etc?

    Like Chained Echoes said, I prioritize my hobbies (no matter how much I'd prefer to be doing them to other responsibilities in my life) lower on my list than anything else. There are things we have to do to survive, things we do for ourselves, and things we do to have fun. Survival comes first...
  5. Pliades

    Viewpoint Do you read the public RPs?

    I don't. I have a limited amount of time to invest in my hobbies, and unless I'm trying to see whether a new partner and I are compatible via their specific posts I'd rather use my time more productively for my other partners/interests.
  6. Pliades

    Viewpoint What makes you turn down an RP opportunity

    I've been writing for 29 years, so I've had plenty of time to weed out what I do and don't like in my writing partnerships. Some people would call me a literacy snob but for what I put into my characters, world-building, plots, and continuity expression, in my opinion it's not being a snob to...
  7. Pliades

    Experiences What was your first ever rp with someone?

    Mid-90s, on an AOL dungeons & dragons campaign. We were all text-based in chat rooms and IMs, and between the game nights (which usually happened on the weekends/had sign-ups) people would RP with each other.
  8. Pliades

    Other What age range are you in?

    I'm 40 at the end of this year and it's been a challenge finding other writers who are 30+ (not that I have an issue writing with anyone over 18 who can develop well-written characters). Been writing for 29 years at this point and feel that, as a hobby, it'll probably be something I always do...
  9. Pliades

    Fandom Enemies to lovers search

    Hey, Irisa! 18+. I'm an advanced literate to novella writer, usually 300-2000 words per post dependent on what's going on in the scene and whether a setting needs to be described, etc. I'd be interested in writing anything Harry Potter with you if you're still looking for a potential partner...
  10. Pliades

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hey, all! I'm Des, it's nice to meet you. I've written dozens of genres and fandoms, and have some long-time favorites: slice of life (any setting), Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, apocalyptic (Fallout or zombies typically), Dresden, DragonLance, D&D (Forgotten Realms), and so many others. I play...