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  1. starfruitlucille

    Realistic or Modern The Path to Salvation

    Charity Hawthorne April 28th 1848, Independence, Missouri Tremors. Excessive shyness. Nervousness. Mercury poisoning has many symptoms, but these by far were the three Charity was feeling most intensely in this particular moment. The street was utterly bustling with people, and each one's gaze...
  2. starfruitlucille

    Realistic or Modern The Path to Salvation

    Charity Hawthorne April 28th, 1848, Independence, Missouri The first step to taking a daguerreotype is always the most tedious one. Rotten stone. Powdered rouge. Lampblack. A copper sheet plated in a thin layer of silver is hand-polished to mirror finish. A dash of fuming iodine crystals...
  3. starfruitlucille

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello! I'm very new here, hopefully I'm doing this correctly. I don't know very much about rp, I'm joining the site for a story a friend of mine is starting, so hopefully it'll be fun! Aside from writing and drawing, I really love collecting tropical fruits and have a collection of several dozen...