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  1. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone gave a small nod, as she felt her throat become dry. She could only say the same to him after all. He was the first to treat her like she was normal. But he still warned others of how she talked. Still, he treated her like an actual being of existence. It wasn’t easy for either of...
  2. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone rolled her eyes. For a moment she forgot who she was talking to. “Firstly, a pinky promise isn’t an oath. And definitely not an oath where you have to give blood.” She hisses. “So no need to serve one of our fingers off. It’s a traditional gesture commonly practiced among kids. You...
  3. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone’s ear titled up, listening to Draven’s words. Draven had every right to yell. Persephone did push the man speak when he didn’t want to. Didn’t want to remember. She stopped and turned to stand in front of him, walking backwards now. “You had every right to yell,” She said...
  4. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone's laughter came to end once she reached down the hill. Her eyes opened, a little bit blurry from dizziness she had from roll. When things she came to the picture, she saw Draven standing over her. His hand waiting for her to grab it. Without even thinking too much, she took the hand...
  5. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    The sun finally rose, making it sunrise just as the two set off. Draven looked like he didn't get much sleep like Persephone. She wonder if he had nightmares during the night as well. But she bite her tongue to keep herself from asking. After what happened last night, she didn't blame Draven...
  6. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    It didn't take long for Persephone to fall asleep where she is. The sound of the water near by calmed her emotions down pretty quickly. However during the night she couldn't shake the nightmare away. It was just before dawn where she woke up herself up. Her skin cold and damped as her body...
  7. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone found herself shrinking into her cloak as if she was trying to hide, letting go of her amulet. Her chin on one of her knees. She didn't have a lot of people looking out for her these days or this whole friendship thing was new to her. Yes, she pushed Draven again on the subject again...
  8. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    "The forest is the only place Persephone could call home. The only place she remembers." She says, her voice soft, almost as if she is afraid to speak any louder. "So, when Persephone says you are lucky to remember home, is because you are lucky to remember it." Persephone's mind tried to...
  9. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone found herself smiling, brightly this time as she listened to Draven's words. He's a paladin, took an oath. The words of Draven filled Persephone with a bit of warmth inside. For once Persephone found it good to have a friend stick around with her instead of leaving her behind or...
  10. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone was the first to look away from Draven as he gave his answer. The fire light seem to catch her eye. How long has he been running? Better yet, how long has she been running? She sighed and placed her chin on one of her knees. Letting herself get even smaller, if it that was even...
  11. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    It didn’t take Persephone’s half of fish to be gone. The fish turned out to be cold but it was still a worthy fish to be eaten. The sun just barely finished setting and the moon is now rising. The night bringing the chill air, the fire was starting to go down a little but with the simple fire...
  12. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone sighed as she poked at the fish, the feeling hunger still faded away. Her mind still racing with what just happened, not sure how on to act or even think at the moment. The fish was still burnt from the fire but still worth something to the two of them with the burn pieces off. Draven...
  13. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    The sudden hunger faded away from Persephone as out burst Draven had just a moment ago. Her throat suddenly felt dry as if she hadn’t been drinking enough water all day. Her black scars suddenly begins give off a small bit glow, almost like they had power. Persephone hands quickly covered her...
  14. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone’s muscles tensed as she watched Draven explain her question on fire. How placed his hand in the fire but then removed it and nothing was done. She relaxed again seeing that no pain or harm was done to his hand. The glowing power of her cleric healing spells were ready to heal if any...
  15. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    It didn't take long for the two to find the fish that they wanted. Turns out fish is pretty easy to catch when you have a Tiefling at your side. The fire was easy to build, simple if you had a fire bolt spell really. Persephone found herself looking at the black scars on her fingers. Sighing...
  16. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Small fits of laughter came from Persephone’s mouth. When was the last time she had actually laugh? Let herself be free from fear or worry. “Classic Draven.” She whisper, “For someone who is taller than Persephone, she thought you would be more confident in where you walk. But it looks like...
  17. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone looked at her hands, the black scars of a reminder of something, but what? She gently placed her hand in Draven’s letting him help her off the log. “Persephone think we’ll find someone to help you out, even if it’s not Persephone herself. A cleric at heart.” Persephone found...
  18. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone found herself in an odd place at the of his question. She found herself pulling her knees to her chest, her arms hugging her knees, almost as if she was just starting to close herself off after being so open with Draven. Her eyes seem to avoid his now as she found herself looking at...
  19. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    As Persephone found herself sitting on the log Draven had found. The counter question from his lips made her smile. Did she think her speech is strange. To put it simply to her thoughts, no. But yet again others have told her she had a strange speech, making her quiet down a little, letting...
  20. KarriJorg99

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Persephone rolled her eyes at the thought of monsters lurking in such a beautiful place. But she did follow Draven down the path they were on. Sighing deeply, her mind still on the thoughts of home. Her home. Her woods. Instead she let herself to helped by Draven on areas that seemed rocky...