Inanna's anticipation simmered as she awaited Azrelius to spring into action, his heightened senses poised to unravel the mysteries veiled to ordinary perception. Despite her own lack of such acuity, she watched with hopeful fascination, her eyes brimming with eager anticipation amidst...
As conversations ebbed and flowed in the dimly lit cave, Inanna's anticipation grew, her eyes alight with the promise of warmth, and if she was lucky, some sustenance. Amidst the idle moments, she observed Azrelius' pragmatic approach to heating their clothing, a simple yet effective...
With introductions now exchanged, the quartet departed from the bustling tavern, securing their horses and embarking on their journey eastward. Hours passed, the sky dimmed, and they found themselves navigating a treacherous mountain trail as dusk settled in. Unfortunately, nature chose...
As the brown-haired man unraveled the details of their predicament, Inanna's mind wandered, dancing through a maze of whimsical conjectures. While she made a valiant effort to remain attentive, her thoughts meandered down idyllic alleys of name-guessing. "Lester." She silently christened the...
Inanna, a brash young woman with a penchant for the present moment, found herself entrenched in the lively atmosphere of the tavern. Amidst the raucous crowd, she observed a spectrum of scenes unfolding before her eyes: fledgling adventurers mustering their courage for a maiden voyage, regular...
Rp'er Name: Rojuc
Post Frequency: I'll do my best to catch up and meet the pace of who I'll be playing with.
Discord Name: Rojuc
Current RP:
Goals: Inanna doesn't have any grand aspirations she longs for. She just wants...
Its a good thing to practice but its difficult to maintain. Negative traits and flaws are cool to have since it makes the character's personality more dynamic. Also, a tool for character development. But remembering that its there feels like a chore most of the time.