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    Other Valentines Day

    While I do think it's a Hallmark-holiday, I personally don't mind it. Happy belated birthday! I know what it's like having a birthday before a holiday though. It seems like it just becomes an extension of the holiday rather than a separate birthday.

    Multiple Settings MATTAVIOUS has entered the chat. [Plot updates 02/19/2024]

    Specific Plot Ideas That I'd Like To See come To Life Trouble In Paradise - New couple have been doing great. They've been on a few dates, they've made it Facebook official, but then weeks later one of them is found associated with a murder. This would sort of be like a murder mystery where...

    Multiple Settings MATTAVIOUS has entered the chat. [Plot updates 02/19/2024]

    Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well. My name is Matt. I'm a 27-year-old male ready to pick up a few more roleplays after a hiatus. I am looking for a long term, original plot. I made a list of the various interest that I have and I look forward to plotting something with you if...

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello. I am Matt. I look forward to meeting new folks!