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  1. Leslie_The_Author

    Welcome To Zynqoin! (D&D 5e)

    Yeah, go ahead and shoot me a PM, I'm sure we can squeeze you in!
  2. Leslie_The_Author

    Welcome To Zynqoin! (D&D 5e)

    For everybody who's interested, please PM me with any character ideas you might have, and whether you would prefer to participate in sessions or play-by-post! I'll most likely be running several games with smaller groups if I can help it!
  3. Leslie_The_Author

    Welcome To Zynqoin! (D&D 5e)

    As long as it supports custom content, it's all good!
  4. Leslie_The_Author

    Welcome To Zynqoin! (D&D 5e)

    Usually, I start my games off at either level 3 or level 5!
  5. Leslie_The_Author

    Welcome To Zynqoin! (D&D 5e)

    It entirely depends on the group I'm running for! This post is mostly just to let people know I'm up for DMing campaigns in my setting, rather than advertising any one campaign!
  6. Leslie_The_Author

    Welcome To Zynqoin! (D&D 5e)

    Hey y'all! The name's Leslie, and I run D&D 5e campaigns in my own original setting, which doesn't actually have a name yet. BUT! The most developed portion is a continent called Zynqoin, filled with magic and wonder, where the gods walk the earth. Magic items are everywhere, and mystical...
  7. Leslie_The_Author

    We've already got the demo planned out, as well as the first versions of each part of the...

    We've already got the demo planned out, as well as the first versions of each part of the soundtrack for it!
  8. Leslie_The_Author

    Hey y'all! It's been a while, hasn't it? I should probably update y'all on where I've been, huh...

    Hey y'all! It's been a while, hasn't it? I should probably update y'all on where I've been, huh? I've been working on a game! That's right, you heard me! I've been working on making a turn-based RPG focused around... (drumroll please) ...SPELLCASTERS! Replacing almost every main party member...
  9. Leslie_The_Author

    Story A Bit Of Fluff And Comfort (Featuring My Lil' Goobers)

    Here's part 2 for anyone interested! This was written right after the first part, so still about a year ago! Again, criticism is appreciated! PART 2: Adjustments The food sat on the table in front of Cream. Steaming hot and presented beautifully, it looked perfect. He wished he could eat it...
  10. Leslie_The_Author

    Story A Bit Of Fluff And Comfort (Featuring My Lil' Goobers)

    Part 2 will be posted in a bit! I want to give people the chance to read Stray Notes first.
  11. Leslie_The_Author

    Story A Bit Of Fluff And Comfort (Featuring My Lil' Goobers)

    I've been wanting to share some writing I did about a year ago. I posted it on AO3, but it hasn't really been seen by anyone. So I figured I'd share it here! There's two parts to it right now, but I'm working on the third part (an entire year after writing the second), as well as rewriting the...
  12. Leslie_The_Author

    A.C.R.I. Anomalous Horror (i hope)

    Sighing in acceptance, Oakleaf let go of her tail. Standing up, she grabbed her violin and held it at the ready. She wasn't taking any risks. The catgirl walked up to the door and turned back to the rest of the group. "I don't like this one bit. I'm frightened, and I don't want to have to fight...
  13. Leslie_The_Author

    A.C.R.I. Anomalous Horror (i hope)

    Suddenly, the music came to an abrupt --and ear screeching-- stop. Oakleaf's face was nearly completely drained of color, and her catlike ears were pinned back. "Did you say that nobody is left? Are we sure that we're the only ones around?" She set her violin down and instead grabbed onto her...
  14. Leslie_The_Author

    A.C.R.I. Anomalous Horror (i hope)

    Oakleaf squeezed her eyes shut and stretched as she sat up in her bed, before blinking and looking around. The bags under her eyes were a clear indicator that she didn't get quite enough sleep. She had fallen asleep rather late the night before, after all. Despite her exceptional hearing due to...
  15. Leslie_The_Author

    I'm putting my characters here for convenience! First up is the first character I ever made...

    I'm putting my characters here for convenience! First up is the first character I ever made, Oakleaf. Her full name is Oakleaf Clawmane, and a fact about her is that whenever she manages to find a job, she either quits or is fired within the first month. It's rough for this catgirl, and luckily...
  16. Leslie_The_Author

    Who would be interested in a PF2e SCP-esque RP?

    I have it! My Discord is leslie_the_author
  17. Leslie_The_Author

    Who would be interested in a PF2e SCP-esque RP?

    Fantasy and modern aren't necessarily exclusive. There are plenty of ways to include both. I personally think that magic in fantasy settings works like science in a way. A natural part of the world that can be manipulated and experimented with by people who research it? Sounds like both science...
  18. Leslie_The_Author

    Realistic or Modern (Modern Fantasy) Housemates Group Roleplay Interest Check (Closed For Now!)

    Hey y'all, I'm Leslie! I've been on here before, but I figured I'd get a fresh start. I've attempted a roleplay like this before, but it didn't end up lasting. So instead, I've decided to rework the details a little bit. I'll specify how many characters are needed rather than people, because I...
  19. Leslie_The_Author

    Who would be interested in a PF2e SCP-esque RP?

    This sounds super cool! I'd totally be down for this if you'll have me!
  20. Leslie_The_Author

    Multiple Settings ♥ original and fandom plotting ♥

    Hi! If you'd be interested, the "enemies to lovers" and "time traveler" plots both got my attention pretty quickly, and I'd love to write one of those! ^D^