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  1. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Hunters of the Throne Reborn (SIGNUPS)

    Art by twgp! Name Sage Ryder Fandom N/A, Sage is an OC! Extra Sage can use pyromancy! However, it's channeled through her hands. As for her staff, it has no magic capability whatsoever, it's just for whacking.
  2. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    That was a very strange change of demeanor, compared to how Clovis was back in the tent... Raz opens his mouth to speak when Frank interjects, then deciding to shut up and not pick a fight at that moment. 'Too', though? How many people did this Bill guy fool? Wait, wait- they were in a...
  3. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    "Well, uh..." She trails off, unsure how to respond for a moment. Hobie did have a point, sure... but couldn't she have prevented it somehow? Maybe somehow beat the twins before they could take control of herself and others, resist the mind control, lots of things! "...I guess it wasn't me, but...
  4. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    ...shit, she messed up bad - not even that long after an introduction and she tried to hurt Hobie! Granted, it was against her will, but she still did something on the side of the bad guys, so either way she messed up terribly. Oh, what would he think, what- what would everyone think? Ming let...
  5. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    Raz doesn't seem to mind Ford's six-fingered hand all that much - back home, people had either four or five, so it wasn't really a big deal to him. "Yeah! We've got a really good crew with us, I'm sure we can take him down." He motions his fists up and down lightly as he speaks. But, as Ford...
  6. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    Oh thank God the flames were put out in the end - Raz was admittedly worried that things wouldn't work out! Though, that relief was short-lived as the mind control is worn off (albeit by punching what turned out to be a kid not much older than he was) and Bill makes his reveal. He tenses up but...
  7. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    As Ryuji charges towards his twin, Dipper sighs, then making a quick move. With a wave of his hand, Skull's position is moved a few feet to the right, likely causing him to miss Mabel entirely - unless the Phantom Thief had something up his sleeve. If not, though... well, let's hope he doesn't...
  8. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    Raz yelps at the sudden arrival, turning his attention to the Espeon and tilting his head. "Are... are you okay?" Well, nevermind, looks like Illumina's alright! Good, that's good- and he's willing to help out too! He smiles and nods in gratitude, continuing to focus on getting more... punch...
  9. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    Unaware of Sprig targeting him, Raz is hit by the pinecone! "Ow- hey!" Razputin exclaims, almost letting the water drop to the floor - though with a few quick motions of his hand, he keeps it from falling to the ground at the last second! The Junior Psychonaut eyes the pinecone's shooter, his...
  10. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    Oh crap- Raz watches in shock as Sage's flames spark and rise- no, that couldn't be him, could it? Unless he was just putting up a seriously good facade earlier, this didn't seem like Sage at all! It was such a sudden change too, something had to be off. Not to mention Hershel's mention of some...
  11. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    "AAAAAAAAAAA-" Raz tumbles to the ground after being tossed away like a piece of trash, rolling onto his back then jumping back onto his feet. Those twins are lucky he had a helmet on, or else they would have faced serious controversy and even charges if a ten year old got hurt at their hands...
  12. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    You can choose whether or not to believe in names? Huh... lots of things are optional to believe in, looks like. Regardless of her thoughts on that, Ming simply nods as Hobie introduces himself in a whisper, tilting her head. "Spider-Punk... I'll just call ya 'Punk', then." She decides, facing...
  13. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    "Yeah, you do know, don't lie!" Alright, he can do this, he's a Psychonaut for crying out loud! He can't seem like he's bluffing, these guys would do the same to him - maybe worse! With those thoughts in mind, the Aquato focuses for a moment... PEW! He PSI-blasts right by their feet - a...
  14. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    (ft. Dipper Gleeful) "I can confirm that he did." Dipper responds with a nod, a veeeery slight smugness seeping through that small grin of his. Raz sputters for a moment, before groaning in frustration and putting one hand out and the other to his temple again - all while balancing on the...
  15. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    "Nametag? What're you-" He looks down to his coat... WHAT. "I- I didn't have that before! And for your information, I moved up from the nametag a loooong time ago!" Razputin huffs, grabbing the nametag and tossing it aside. Indeed, his nametag days were long gone - even then, they said intern...
  16. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    Wait- a huh?! If the forced introduction wasn't enough to do so, now this was setting off alarm bells in Raz's brain... y'know, maybe the chained-up guy was also suspicious, now that he thinks about it - he just figured it was for some sorta magic trick. Razputin stands up once again, stomping...
  17. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    Next up was the blind spider, who faces the crowd with a seemingly blank expression... it was hard to tell with that mask on, being honest. "Spider-Lily." Ming introduces herself with her hands shoved in her pockets. As she's ushered off-stage, the spider-person's eyes narrow... she at least...
  18. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    Regardless of Raz's attempts to resist, he found himself coming onto the stage and introducing himself! "My name... " He puts out his hands before taking off his goggles. "Is Razputin!" Pause. "But everyone calls me... Raz." Raz crosses his arms. ...he then shakes his head, looking around...
  19. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    "How do you know that, though? You can't read our minds... probably." Ming huffs, drawing closer to Wendy's voice with her arms crossed. "Just- can you come down, please? I'm not good at this questioning thing, but the others probably are, they'd have something you haven't answered." She...
  20. brandy-schmandy

    Fandom Legacy

    ...Wendy had a point. Why would she do that, what would be in it for her? Ming certainly didn't have anything on her to give Wendy in exchange. "...because I asked nicely and the others are looking for more answers? There could be stuff you know that they haven't asked about." ...maybe she...