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  1. Markus Hans Trovis

    Misaki Takahashi (Junjou Fanart)

    yay thank you ^^
  2. Markus Hans Trovis

    Misaki Takahashi (Junjou Fanart)

    Yeah trying to fix it ^^' YAY FIXED!
  3. Markus Hans Trovis

    Misaki Takahashi (Junjou Fanart)

    I am a huge fan of Misaki only, and well I made a fan fic of him and Markus.
  4. Markus Hans Trovis

    The person behind Marku and his friends

    I am Desi (aka) Markus and my crew of crazy people whom i care about. I love to draw and I love to roleplay as a guy, i would sometimes head to the mature roleplay sites and be sexist (as a girl i enjoy making girl jokes it makes some people laugh and it fulls rl girl roleplayers from thinking...
  5. Markus Hans Trovis

    Meet My eldest Son Arthur

    Meet Arthur, he is quite a smart boy, very optimistic yet... he seem to be having a dark side..
  6. Markus Hans Trovis

    Art requests

    LOVE IT! I am saving both in case, ^-^ keep up the good work!!!
  7. Markus Hans Trovis

    Art requests

    Very well... I want you to draw Markus (Markus is like the profile pic but instead of dreadlocks he has long black hair, his nose is almost the same but slightly curved on the upper part, He is 6'6'', very muscular. His face is that of the same of profile pic) Basically the reason why I chose...
  8. Markus Hans Trovis

    Art requests

    I would like to help you my friend. I have a few questions.. as request.. I want to know what are your do's and don't's (have many oc's and would like to narrow down which one i can choose for you to draw) :3
  9. Markus Hans Trovis

    New Drawing

    I am sorry I dont have a scanner... all I have is my cellphone, I enjoy tattoos quite alot. and well... my dream is to design my own tattoos and someone to tattoo them on to me. Hehe.. silly dream huh? anyways todays theme is... Clowns... its not finished but here is a sneak peek.
  10. Markus Hans Trovis

    Hallo again. Another sketch <3

    Well, to be honest I was at work and I work 8 hours, my intentions were true, she is but a mannequin..
  11. Markus Hans Trovis

    Hallo again. Another sketch <3

    Welp its been a while but, My latest sketch... was at work when the inspiration came. as a ink addict and lover of tattoos <3
  12. Markus Hans Trovis

    A Noob's Sketch

    Wow. I love it. You are super talented!!
  13. Markus Hans Trovis

    Hello <3

    Here I am again, showing another sketch this is an almost done art work for my busyness card.
  14. Markus Hans Trovis

    Here come another Tattoo art sketch

    Thank you! I began shortly. and yes. I have 2 both designed by me.. I have a huge passion with witchcraft and all that is nature, plus I do love horses, and I love all animal kingdom. that is a great choice of being an Equastrian. ^^ My passion is of Herbology and many types of Rocks. plus...
  15. Markus Hans Trovis

    Here come another Tattoo art sketch

    Well.. another one for the collection. I do wish this one also goes inked to my body <3
  16. Markus Hans Trovis

    Hello Again. Latest sketch in a long time.

    it will, and I am glad you like it, ^^ and thank you very much.
  17. Markus Hans Trovis

    Hello Again. Latest sketch in a long time.

    it is of mother, she is The moon and Nature, as in wiccan traditions. Mother is most fertile in full moon plus her gentle leaves of green caress the cheeks of her new born. I wish to have it as a tattoo to be connected with other symbols.
  18. Markus Hans Trovis

    Mayumi's Photography

    I do love nature, so I love these Pics.
  19. Markus Hans Trovis

    Hello Again. Latest sketch in a long time.

    Hello again.. as I made a while back drawings. I gave up on it a for a while since i was working and I became art frustrated. but as I sat at one of my work positions I began to draw once more and.... well.. I will say.. this sketch will be my next tattoo. Question is. What do you guys think?
  20. Markus Hans Trovis


    see this is why i love this place.. unlike the other realm that the dude did not know what a pg 13 is and if you said you said that the site needs improvement due to some underage kids doing obscene things, he would act childish and ban for no good reason.. I missed you Kazuka