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  1. Feather_Fall

    Fandom Warrior cats RP interest check....

    TawnyPetal She-Cat 16 Moons Young Warrior A light brown she cat with darker brindle patterning and pale green eyes
  2. Feather_Fall

    Fandom Warrior cats RP interest check....

    If it’s okay to ask, where do I put my cats info?
  3. Feather_Fall

    Fandom Warrior cats RP interest check....

    I’m interested in joining if that’s okay
  4. Feather_Fall

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello? Hello Hello? Is this thing working?” A voice from a phone says “I’m FeatherFall, I’m open to chat in between the hours 8:00 am to 3:10pm CST! I do work night shifts and I’m taking weekends as me days! So I won’t be on” The voice cuts out for a moment then comes back “my pronouns are...