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  1. Twilight Carol

    World of Nox|BxB RP [open]

    .... Don't you think we should take turns posting replies in the Human Village Thread? Because it gets kinda confusing. Should I wait for your interaction to end or what? If so, I'll delete my last reply :| @lmh98
  2. Twilight Carol

    Human Village

    “Speaking from experience there, hm?” Artois smirked, tilting his head slightly. The vampire crossed his arms, contemplating on what way would be more entertaining to catch their prey. They could just easily lure some humans out of the village with their abilities, though really, that would be...
  3. Twilight Carol

    Human Village

    It felt like only mere minutes since Artois had departed from his castle. But here he was, standing at the border of the Human Village, clad in a dark-blue cloak with a hood that prevented the sun from burning against his skin. The trip from the Vampire’s Castle (his castle) to the village was...
  4. Twilight Carol

    World of Nox|BxB RP [open]

    Just going to leave this here, but seriously why does everyone seem to become rather inactive :/ @BlueRhapsody @Aie0308 You two should continue your interaction, you know...
  5. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    Well, if the other was determined like that, who was Artois to stop him? Besides, he didn’t force Emrys to go with him and had already given him an option to back out. So whatever might happen to the other later, it wasn’t really his problem. Emrys also had clearly said he could take care of...
  6. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    Artois raised his eyebrows slightly at the other’s answer. Oh? Now that’s a surprise. And here he was, thinking that Emrys would definitely reject his offer, after seeing how the other reacted to his actions and all. It seemed that people would always be unpredictable, after all. “That’s...
  7. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    Artois was very much aware of how his words and actions had affected the other, and he couldn’t really bring himself to care much about it. After all, he took quite a satisfaction from seeing how anxious the other became because of him. It was quite interesting actually, how he could make...
  8. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    Artois silently enjoyed how the other tensed again at the physical contact. It made him wanted to tease the other somehow, to test out how far he could go with it before the other would push him away. He noticed how Emrys glanced at the surrounding and knew that the other probably had just...
  9. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    “Is that so?” Artois hummed in reply. Though the other’s calm reaction was expected, he still felt kind of disappointed. He knew some other individuals who had reacted just as calmly as Emrys did. Such reaction was just no fun at all. But then again, messing around with such calm people had...
  10. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    Oh? Artois raised his eyebrows as his eyes carefully taking notes of the other's reaction. Well... that was unexpected. He hadn't actually meant what he had just said -- it was just a spontaneous thing -- but Emerys seemed to be more affected by it than Artois first thought he would be. Artois...
  11. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    Artois smirked when Emrys tensed under his touch. He was smiling when the other slowly lifted up his gaze, but his smile dropped when the other quickly looked back down. Boy, this vampire wasn't making this easy at all, now, was he? Artois thought. Not that he really minded. He always loved...
  12. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    Artois raised his eyebrows, partly amused and partly irritated that the other didn't look at him. He was used to people avoiding eye contact with him, but this particular vampire always kept his gaze down with practically everybody. Well, this vampire -- what was his name again? Ah, yes, Emrys...
  13. Twilight Carol

    Vampire Castle

    Artois was bored; he was running out of things to entertain him. Things you could do when you were living in a castle were limited after all. Playing pranks on other vampires, exploring the castle and setting up some (not so) harmless booby trap had gotten old fast. Maybe he should find someone...
  14. Twilight Carol

    World of Nox|BxB RP [open]

    Name Artois Race Vampire Abilities The Mind Controller Simply put, he has the ability to take control of others' mind. It allows him to force control upon others and bid them to his commands, making them like a living-doll. It's almost like brainwashing, the target's mind will comply to...