She nodded and crawled into bed, but spent the night between wakefulness and dreams, nightmares tearing at her as she sought rest and weariness sapping her as she sought respite. In the morning, she awoke and felt as if she had only slept a few hours. Bradigan was laying on her and purring, so...
"Ummm... Vermont is above Massachusetts on the map? I think. I never really payed attention. Is it safe to go closer to them? Oh, and his tell is a birthmark on his hand, though I think he would cover it with makeup. I would have gotten brown contacts if I could afford them." She knew he was a...
She nodded. "His name is Niall... we're practiclly opposites, but still close. That's why he was out, he's much more outgoing than I am. He w-is an actor. We were going to do a musical together. I would play the music offstage and he would act. I don't play the fiddle, by the way. I mostly play...
She looked down, fighting the dark monster rearing its head inside her that told her he was dead. "No. He's alive. He has to be." But what if the Hunter hung around? Or saw the family pictures and tracked him down? Or tortured him? "No. He's ok."
She shook her head, shoulder shaking. "I don't know what happened. And he was out with friends at the time. All I know is he doesn't answer his phone and the news says he's missing, pressumed dead. But they say the same thing about me."
(Sorry, I'm too tired and emotionally frayed to write her...
"So you're a changeling too? Do you know how I can find my brother?" Unbidden, tears started bubbling to the surface, though she forced them down. Someone who might understand!
She was pretty sure he was a changeling. She paused for a moment, sighed, and dropped Kennedys face. "My name is Seanait Elfrun. His is Brennigan. My parents were murdered by fairy hunters and my brother is missing. The fairy hunter who killed my parents saw my tell. I'm from Boston and I got...
"Catholics," she responded carefully. She was pretty sure that would hold up for a jewish person, but if he was fae he would know right away what she meant. "They say... I'm a witch." She was pretty sure catholics used to call all kinds of minorities witches, so she could still claim to be...
That sounded like a changeling... better safe than sorry. She shifted the coloring around her eyes to give the illusion of them glowing. Golden eyes were inhuman, and drawing attention to them could code that they were her tell. "Do you mean... Irish witches?" Shoot! If he realized she knew what...
She froze and looked at him. "Are you adopted?" Either his great grandparents were those weird humans who thought they were witches, they were changelings but he wasn't related, or he was a changeling.
She felt tempted to probe, curious about his Irish heritage, but knew better and stopped herself. Instead she nodded and smiled. She knew he wasn't a changeling, but she was yearning for another changeling to commisrate with, someone who would understand. Really, she was just wishing for Niall...
That was Gaelic? She glanced at him in confusion, but realized she wasn't supposed to know that. "Is that, uh, Scandinavian?" For all she knew, it was. Regional similarities.
"Ok. What would you name it?" The first name that came to mind was Stocach, but that was very blatantly Irish, so she ignored the thought. Maybe Dris? Stop with the Gaelic, Seanait.
"Probably not," she agreed. She was still pretty sure she could do something with shapeshifting but nothing came to mind that sounded legal or ethical. Assain. Theif. Robber. Pickpocket. There was probably something, though. Come to think of it, she had heard of changelings who were fantastic...
"He tried to warn-" she stopped before she said too much and looked at him sadly. He meowed, as if he knew what she was thinking about. "Um, yeah. And a goat and falcon could come in handy too? With maybe a guard canine?"
"Aw!" She almost asked if it was legal, but realized it didn't matter. "What about squirrels? Oh! And chickadees! Sparrows! Robins?" But she glanced at Brennigan and realized all of the above would be poor choices. "Nevermind. I don't think Brenni would play nice."