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  • Users: Qu-Ce
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  1. Qu-Ce

    [Ryken City] A Lesson in Manners?

    An Junliang “For money, huh? That almost makes it sound like you sold your own life away, but I understand.” Junliang leans his body against the frame of the carriage, resting his head against his shoulder and closing his eyes. His smile takes on a certain ambivalence as he continues. “Everyone...
  2. Qu-Ce

    [Ryken City] A Lesson in Manners?

    An Junliang An Junliang was standing still outside the carriage, arms folded into his sleeves, as he awaited his master. “What do you think that scream just now was about?” he asks the maid beside him, a playful smile gently tugging at his lips. “A nightmare?” A small moment passes in silence...
  3. Qu-Ce

    Graded [Ryken City] The New Blood of House Driscol

    An Junliang An Junliang clenches his teeth as he’s led out of the room. This makes the third time his own powerlessness has dictated his future. The worst-case scenario was already playing out in his mind: this operation proposed by Lord Driscol would turn out to be a sham, designed to oust...
  4. Qu-Ce

    Graded [Ryken City] The New Blood of House Driscol

    An Junliang “She’s right, Annabelle,” Junliang chimes in. “It wouldn’t be our place to judge you, and would be misguided besides. Many of the men and women you’ve seen tonight would sooner resign themselves to filth than do the work you do. It is a respectable profession.” He then turns to...
  5. Qu-Ce

    Graded [Ryken City] The New Blood of House Driscol

    An Junliang An Junliang tensed as the sound of Jonathan Driscol’s slow, sarcastic clapping, and the words he meets Amelia with. Welcome home? As far as anyone else is concerned, this woman shouldn’t be here. I certainly wasn’t informed of her arrival. He halts these thoughts for now as he...
  6. Qu-Ce

    Graded [Ryken City] The New Blood of House Driscol

    An Junliang My Lord. The words were sweet like honey as they reached his ears. A sense of pride spreads throughout Junliang’s chest. While there were many steps left to go, this first one was the most important in his pursuit of influence. After all, he was the one given control here, and...
  7. Qu-Ce

    Graded [Ryken City] The New Blood of House Driscol

    An Junliang An Junliang watches the proceedings carefully, his lips formed into a calm, gentle smile. He had been chosen as the event planner due to his success at organizing a local fair some time ago, but the scope of this event was much different; its success or failure would directly reflect...
  8. Qu-Ce

    Character Characters

    An Junliang Theme: Rp'er Name: Qu-Ce Post Frequency: 48 hours Current RP: N/A Goals: Short Term: Establish himself in a Ryken noble's court. Further educate himself on the skills he needs for domestic affairs. Long Term: Gain enough power to wield unborrowed authority. Find his own...
  9. Qu-Ce

    Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

    "Edmund Hayles" “Our hands are too important for me to cut them up for that.” Bosco turns his head in the direction the chief points, and nods. “Bandaging it myself will do. I’ll excuse myself to get this disinfected once the prep work is done and our work slows down.” Not waiting for an...
  10. Qu-Ce

    Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

    "Edmund Hayles" It was clear that Bosco was paying close attention to his surroundings, despite the frantic bustle of the kitchen and the ceaseless tasks assigned to him keeping his hands and feet moving. While it may have seemed to be a diligent effort to integrate himself into the kitchen as...
  11. Qu-Ce

    Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

    "Edmund Hayles" The kitchens seemed busier than Bosco had anticipated. As the familiar scent of freshly-baked bread washes over him, accompanied by the unfamiliar din of a busy, professional kitchen, he continues to move toward the kitchen, paying little heed to the other unarmed staff members...
  12. Qu-Ce

    Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

    Save for a brief flash of surprise at the gift Lucian produced, Bosco’s expression and posture remained static throughout the interview. Offering a deferential bow of his head to the family as they hastily made their exit, he turns to Kasumi and Lucian. “Seeing as another servant isn’t offering...
  13. Qu-Ce

    Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

    "Edmund Hayles" Bosco nods approvingly at Lucian’s reply, the reproach he held in his eyes dissipating harmlessly. At least for now, it seems the three of them are on the same page. Bosco shifts his position slightly to better mirror him, standing equally as far apart from Kasumi as he is. An...
  14. Qu-Ce

    Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

    "Edmund Hayles" Bosco, in an exaggerated gesture, turns his body to look all around them, scanning the area around them. He and Kasumi are, of course, the only ones there. “Who are you supposed to be deceiving? Me?” He listens to the rest of what she has to say and dismisses it with a wave of...
  15. Qu-Ce

    Community [Isekai Hell] Into the Pumpkin Patch

    Aubrey Howell Aubrey smiles bashfully at Durvyn’s praise for his constructs, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. “T-thank you…” He turns his head away and rubs his hands together timidly, his mouth opening and closing shut as he tries to find the way to say the words he wants. “...Um! Please...
  16. Qu-Ce

    Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

    "Edmund Hayles" Bosco looks at Kasumi, unamused. “Elementary, huh. It’s midday and you look half-asleep. I think I’m the most ready to leave out of all of us.” He turns his head to the part of the building in which the stairs are located, and shakes his head. “But at least you’re not Lucian. If...
  17. Qu-Ce

    Community [Isekai Hell] Into the Pumpkin Patch

    Aubrey Howell What’s going on? While Aubrey couldn’t hear the specifics, it’s clear that the confrontation at the bridge was going differently than expected. The authoritative, hostile tone of the witch on the other side of the bridge had completely vanished by this point, revealing her true...
  18. Qu-Ce

    Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

    "Edmund Hayles" A faint savory aroma lingers in the air near the kitchen. Adrian Bosco stands idly at the counter, stifling a yawn. Or perhaps it’s better to say that his [Alternate Identity] “Edmund Hayles” does. The man’s stylings are quite different from normal. Hair trimmed and swept back...
  19. Qu-Ce

    Community [Isekai Hell] Into the Pumpkin Patch

    To the unobservant, it would seem as though Lucilie’s words hadn’t reached Aubrey. But, being so close to him, it’s clear to her that isn’t the case. Aubrey’s body stiffened the moment he heard his own name, and for a brief, uncomfortable moment, he remained frozen, like a small animal caught...
  20. Qu-Ce

    Community [Isekai Hell] Into the Pumpkin Patch

    Aubrey Howell At the very end of the group, a young-looking boy wrings his hands in nervous anticipation. His eyes shift nervously, settling on one of the many soon-to-be comrades in front of him before darting to another. How was everyone able to face the force audible on the other side of the...