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  1. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    Apologies, but sudden urgency in the real world has taken all my priorities. I'm sorry but I must bow out of the Rp for now at least ;_; Bon Chance everyone
  2. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    But you're always in class, in my books!
  3. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    I was wondering about the speed of the role-play, as in response order and so on. Xack was only responding to deal with that mysterious sack business but will be intereacting with the others soon.
  4. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    That totally did slip my mind! Though I was trying to have Xack be afraid of it being a trap and putting anyone else in THE DANGER. Trying for the paranoid, 'Needs no one'-'but friends though!', Jaded sorta idea for 'em, at least in the beginning.
  5. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    Well, I'm sorry to hear that's your decision :closedeyescryingfrown: Xack will be sharing the contents of the sack at the Inn! I swear! Hopefully this will be adventureful? ? ?
  6. WikkitJikkit

    The Mirror of Galora

    Doing that 180* head tilt he seemed to accomplish while deep in thought, Xack eyed where these mystical threads appeared to go towards. " Not the biggest fan of the blue. . ." he murmured, realizing he'd slowly moved towards the edge of the roof top, as if almost in a trance. Though stopping...
  7. WikkitJikkit

    The Mirror of Galora

    Showoff! As the word reached the Owlin's mind, he loses his aerial prowess for a moment. For a moment, he's some place else. For a moment he's back at the school. For a moment, he thinks that it was some one else shouting at him. For a moment. Catching himself with another big flap of his jet...
  8. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    @Gravitational Force - We had spoken about Xack and Zeryn having some sort of correspondence of some kind? I believe Xack may see Zeryn as a fellow academic, even if Zeryn never fully attended any academy? Maybe Xack had been pen paling with Zeryn and they where going to meet up but then the...
  9. WikkitJikkit

    The Mirror of Galora

    A low hoot, the owlin version of a impressed whistle, sounded from the black creature as he looked over all there was in this city. He took in the sights from the cliff they stood at, slowly nodding as if in silent agreement that this was a beautiful sight. Rather, nodding to words, words said...
  10. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    I was wondering what theeee order of responses were ment to be??? Cause of the initiative ness?
  11. WikkitJikkit

    The Mirror of Galora

    He had to admit, though, never in person, that having a Vael was nice. Never one of those paladin things- always uppity, always full of law and rules and just boring honestly. No, Vael did their part wonderfully as a spear point. A exellent companion for a shiv in the dark like Xack. About to...
  12. WikkitJikkit

    The Mirror of Galora

    "Hmmmmmm...... righttttttt" Feeling skeptical, though knowing that caution wasn't something he practiced these days, Xack moved over and crouched down before the bag. Seemingly to hesitate for a breath, he finally reaches one talon out, slowly grabbing the bag up from where it was laid.
  13. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    Oh yes! Hopefully you get well sooner rather then later
  14. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora OOC

    Not too sure if that is the way to respond. . . . But there it is!
  15. WikkitJikkit

    The Mirror of Galora

    Black was primarily a thought one would acquire looking at him; since his clothing, feathers, scales, beak and talons all were incredibly dark and void of color. Almost, if he ever walked under a shade he’d vanish from the face of the earth. He wore a kind of wrap around the torso, allowing his...
  16. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora Session 0

    Initiative roll!! +Dex (3)- So total of 21 !!!
  17. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora Session 0

    I do kinda wanna be half horse, half owl now. . . But I got what I wanted so I won't push it 😅
  18. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora Session 0

    Yes! There would have been quite the extensive/old library at the school Xack attended; no doubt something that would grab Zeryn's attention. Maybe he was there before it was destroyed and was invited to become a student and when he came back with his belongings; found nothing but ruins? Orrrrr...
  19. WikkitJikkit

    Dice The Mirror of Galora Session 0

    I know that weaving everyone's stories together can be a trial (Heard, never experienced. Dming is scary) So I am open and trying to be flexible. My guy just wants answers, maybe some revenge, hopefully redemption. Mmmmaayyyyyyyybe some cool magicalness? Mayhaps? Possibly? O_O I also planned on...