Post three: Nicholas Gets Stabbed
Featuring: @reverice @yokai. @opaline
It’s best to jump to the important part here. A situation Nicholas couldn't have predicted in a hundred years. A moment in time burned into his mind like a brand. There he stood, his ability to trick and manipulate...
Post Two: Fears and Lies
Featuring: @reverice
A crash. That was the best way to describe the sudden impact against his whole body that sent him back from the ground he had just picked himself up off of. Not like a car crash, those always had the vibe of non-intention. This was intentional. It...
Post One: Misty-brained
A yellow bus, one of a fleet likely in service since the 80s equipped with the vandalism to show for it. The endless drone of its inhabitants, a few dozen voices overlapping to form an orchestra of meaningless drabble echoing around the metal vehicle’s interior. The...
coded by uxie! loosely inspired by springdoy's in my dreams
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epic! few other questions:
-will this take place in the current year of 2024, or some other time?
-follow-up from above, will technology and mundane obstacles be particularly prevalent or will the challenges be primarily social and mythological?
-are there any notes on what sort of skills or...