Heya! I'm just about as interested in Manhwa plots as you are. Currently, what's garnered my interest are these two. May I PM you? Please, let me know and tell me which would rather do. That is if either of them are ones you're still interested in.
Reborn with the God’s Blessing: Person A was a...
Name: Bartholomus Korvanovich
Race: Elder Lich
Age 600
Appearance: Bartholomus boasts a large and imposing figure that transposes even beyond the thick coat of darkness that blankets his being. Beneath that coat is plated and ribbed armor that exerts azure flames from...
Cute cat pics! I'm down for some MxF action, particularly the Princess x Knight trope.
I'm 30, turning 31 this year, and have been writing for more than a decade. My writing spans from iterate to Novella depending on the scene and expectations. As for quality, I meticulously check my work to...