Directly DM me if you are interested!
Hey there, I am Gorgengheist! Feel free to abbreviate it however you want though!
Here is a link to my main interest check:
I suggest checking over this to learn...
Hello one and all. My name is Gorgenghast, but you can call me Gorgen, Ghast, or whatever you please!
I'm fairly new to RpNation, so please disregard my lack of knowledge here, but I can confidently say that I have been roleplaying for a good couple years now, so I'm not too amateur.
NOTE: If...
Hello one and all. My name is Gorgenghast, but you can call me Gorgen, Ghast, or whatever you please!
I'm fairly new to RpNation, so please disregard my lack of knowledge here, but I can confidently say that I have been roleplaying for a good couple years now, so I'm not too amateur.
Things to...
Hey there. Come closer, I won't bite.
About Me: Feel free to call me Gorgen, Ghast, whatever suits your taste. 18 here. I've been roleplaying for a few years now (not here), but stagnated for a bit. I realized only recently that I like roleplaying, and so I'm here to get back on the scene. To...