"hmm..." Mitsuko thought, walking over to the freezer box. "Then you'd probably like more cow, or pig instead..." She pulled out a small block of pork, and set it down in front of Horus.
Mitsuko and etsuko looked at each other. "Ah?" Said both of them in unison "Human form?" They were both surprised.
"I didn't know you had one..." Mitsuko added. "You don't have to, though..."
Etsuko's mouth clenched. She felt so guilty. "I..." She responded "I don't hate you..."
Mitsuko interrupted "Yeah, she just gets easily scared sometimes! Because she's able to see someone's inner-self! oooooh!" She teased. "Which makes her fear nearly everything, so do not fret! She doesn't...
She groaned, trying to speak back, but was too tired. "Oh... uh.... I need uh..." She yawned "A food.... 飢えますよ..."
Mitsuko looked back to Etsuko, pouring endless syrup on the waffles "わかりますの"
Mitsuko swung the door open, and pulled the entire box out. "Damnit..." She just then realized she put ALL of the waffles in the microwave.
She pulled a few out, and put the box back in the freezer. Hoping that it would freeze back.
Etsuko's stare was still tracking the dog. It was a bit...
//Ah, okay. I'm about to get super descriptive haha
Mitsuko Stretched upwards, and her arms extended, causing her back to make a big cracking sound. Etsuko yawned, but refused to get up.
Mitsuko looked at the still sleeping pup, and smiled. She whispered to herself "Puppy..." tiredly. She...
"No, it's fine!" She whispered "Plus, you're keeping my feet warm, so..." She laid her head back down on her pillow, and pulled her covers halfway over her head.
It was getting late, and the two needed sleep as well, but didn't want to wake the dog, so they slept anyways.
Mitsuko slipped into the bed as slowly as she could to avoid waking or kicking Horus.