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  1. Irdris

    Sherlock or Doctor who or MARVEL

    Sorry for getting back so late!
  2. Irdris

    Sherlock Doctor Who cross over

    I'm looking for someone who wants to do a Sherlock and Doctor Who cross over :D I prefer to discuss details over PM
  3. Irdris


  4. Irdris

    What kind of RP do you do? i'm bored too >.

    What kind of RP do you do? i'm bored too >.
  5. Irdris

    Anyone interested in a Marvel RP?

  6. Irdris

    Seriously if I disappear I just fell asleep I'm sorry I'll get back to all v.v

    Seriously if I disappear I just fell asleep I'm sorry I'll get back to all v.v
  7. Irdris

    1x1 Roleplay Partner

    I would be interested in Doctor Who I'm pretty active usually But I'll let you know if something happens like you said. If you're still looking
  8. Irdris

    Seeking 1x1 - Plot Idea Inside

  9. Irdris

    Seeking 1x1 - Plot Idea Inside

    I don't usually RP this sort of thing, but I would be interested in giving it a shot. I can reply frequently, but I feel like I would have to test run it before committing entirely.
  10. Irdris

    Looking for someone!!!

    Hello! So I'm looking for someone who's willing to RP I'm sort of in the mood to do something with lots of action, secret agent sort of thing, villains, good guys and bad guys. All of that classic stuff :3 I don't mind if this is original, and the fandoms I'd be willing to do this in are...
  11. Irdris

    1x1 Action Role Play Plots (Ignore reply count, always open!)

    If you're still looking for people, I would be interested in doing the vacation or unwilling partners one :3
  12. Irdris

    Anyone interested in a Marvel RP?

    I want to be Coulson I think My OC is Sage She has a telekinetic/telepathic ability Her age is 19
  13. Irdris

    Anyone interested in a Marvel RP?

    Hey! Sorry I just saw this!!! I'll do that now :)
  14. Irdris

    Sherlock: Just One Friend

    ((I hope this isn't weird since this is an old post but it looked fun 0-0'))
  15. Irdris

    Sherlock: Just One Friend

    Just as Sherlock's head was turned the other way another girl sat in the desk next to him, startling him with a loud. "Hi!" When he turned around, there she was, sitting with a big friendly grin. She had brown hair in a pony tail, and she was wearing a tee shirt with a zombie and vampire print...
  16. Irdris


  17. Irdris


    Okay! Can we start tomorrow? It's getting pretty late here
  18. Irdris


    Yeah that's what I was just saying. Hm, alright. I'm more knowledgable in New Who, mainly because well...when I started the classic series Netflix took Doctor Who down. (Grumble..) but, I did watch some episodes with the 4th Doctor. Anyways, rambling, this is BBC Sherlock?
  19. Irdris


    So which Doctor? How should we do this, exactly? Maybe your OC was friends with Sherlock and John and mine was a companion of the Doctor. And they run into the same mystery?
  20. Irdris


    Okay! Me too!