I know two guys who are right next to a PokeStop so they just sit around and play from home. "Rarest"(?) Pokemon I've found thus far is a Dragonair while chasing after a Pikachu in my neighborhood.
My town is predominantly Asian so my friends are all joining the yellow team.......
But I'm on blue with one guy whose last name means yellow so he's getting flak for it lol
*Please use spoiler tags in case newcomers to the series stumble upon this thread.
I recently finished ZTD and wanted to hear others' impressions. Parts that impressed and dazzled you. Aspects that made you ??? and of course whether or not another game seems likely (despite Uchikoshi saying it...
Oh man. Have you done Revelations yet? (I picked up Conquest right away, but I somehow lost interest up until very recently.)
I AM STILL NOT OVER CONQUEST AND I WILL NEVER BE. And same. I usually play as Lucina :3c
single tear for takumi
...Music: --
Location: Commonwealth office.
Company: Chris.
@s: @Bag o Fruit,@Necessity4Fun, @TerraBooma, @ViAdvena, @welian, @simj22
OOC: *Will update post with Chris and Joel's previous "bathroom shenanigans" at a later date. (Gotta hit activity quota now, whoops.)
Since I need to hit my quota sooner or later, I figure I should post independently of @Bag o Fruit :'D sorry I took so long!
And I hope you are, too.
I'll write either Takumi or Leo with no real preference, though I do feel more comfortable as Takumi.
I enjoy canon-verse as much as AUs.
For this ship, I will write you any length you want. One-liners? Okay. 1000+ words? I'll do it.
You can PM me or reply...
Back when it was first announced, Fates got so much flak for the new game mechanics. I waited until I got my hands on the game to pass judgment, and I really enjoy Fates' combat compared to Awakening. The Stances and signature skills added yet another factor into how to manage my team.
Tales of Xillia is a lengthy JRPG but the series is famous for its character dynamics and development.
Heavy Rain is a story-heavy (PS3) title as well.
The Persona series is kind of like Pokemon with all the mons you catch and train but the themes and story are much darker. Not quite horror...