Hey Eevee, it's possible that I won't be able to post much, if at all, in the upcoming week or two, so I have to rescind my spot. Although, I do have a friend, @Xaynce, who's been looking to jump back into RP. He wants to join with an old character of his, if that's fine.
Hah, for some reason, I don't think having Ezrael walk into a Bounty Hunter settlement would work out too well. Sweet thought, though! Ashe and Viola are too precious for this world~.
A young man made his way through the winding streets of the 'city'...if one could even call this dingy place that. He appeared to fit in well enough with the shady figures lurking about in the shadows, although his contrastingly clean clothing, hair, and skin spoke of a different nativity.
Oh crap, I'm clueless. Sorry about that.
And he has the burn because the 'hanging' was his first and only time where he used his powers at a high level, so his body hadn't developed too big of an immunity yet. =)
Feel free to take a gander at Ezra, if you'd like. ^^ I'll complete his history soonish! I'm currently multi-tasking between this and video games atm, haha.