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  1. Lofi Beats To Suffer To

    Futuristic [ACTIVE RP - OPEN] Iron Batallion

    Will we be getting any more info on living conditions and stuff for the average person?
  2. Lofi Beats To Suffer To

    Futuristic [OPEN] Iron Battalion

    Claire Ryan Claire took a heavy breath, she didn't quite need to go for an inhaler yet, but still she waited for the sand to settle before dropping her sleeve from her face and responding to the boy. She coughed once the second she dropped her hoodie and sniffled, but was otherwise fine. "Yeah...
  3. Lofi Beats To Suffer To

    Futuristic [OPEN] Iron Battalion

    Claire Ryan Claire's escape from cryo was something closing on traumatic frankly, she found herself coughing and spluttering as her casket hissed open, the icy fog scraping at her lungs. She had to take a moment to herself, to recollect her senses and take a pump from her inhaler which she...
  4. Lofi Beats To Suffer To

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi there, newbie to the site here, been rp'ing for a long while though and I hear this a good community, I look forward to meeting you all
  5. Lofi Beats To Suffer To

    Futuristic Iron Batallion (CS)

    Name: Claire Ryan Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Physical Description: Height: 5'5" Weight: 130lbs Build: Short, Skinny Physical Condition: Claire has a diminutive stature and is quite literally easily overlooked, additionally, her body is quite frail and she suffers from severe asthma...