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  1. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    "Yes, you can stay here as long as you like." She replied to Straps, kindling the fire once more. Soon seeing the female Siren enter her home, Jade nodded in greeting. Arcane's ears twitched again, listening to the group speak of other people around. His eyes found Jade's as he exhaled roughly...
  2. BlackJade

    Howdy~!! Imma new

    Welcome! I hope you like it here. :D
  3. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    Jade nodded at Dusk politely, "It's certainly nothing to thank me for." She said with ease, now making her way back to the pot and checking on the venison stew. "Nearly perfect.." She whispered, her eyes narrowing in thought. She reached up into a cabinet, grabbing a hold of some seasoning and...
  4. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    Jade turned her head looking at the little goblin, her eyes held every bit of sympathy. She walked over and extended her hand, smiling softly. "You hungry? I've made Venison stew. Would you like to come in?"
  5. BlackJade


    Hello! :D Hope you like it here!
  6. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    Jade looked at Dusk with curious eyes as she tilted her head. "Well, Wood Nymph to be exact. The Fae, well, elves are quite a different species. Their magic abilities exceed mine." She said lightly with a small smile. Suddenly hearing the thud, her eyes widened for a moment and her gaze fell to...
  7. BlackJade

    Im new to the whole RP side of things and HEY i like people

    Hello! :D People here are really nice. I'm fairly new myself. :3
  8. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    ooc: Feel free Gale! :D ic: Jade laughed a bit at this. "That makes two of us, I suppose. Well, are you hungry? I'm cooking the Venison now. I've prepared a stew." She said with another smile, walking over to the broth filled pot and adding this and that. Arcane eyed Crimson for a little...
  9. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    After about an hour, the deer was finally skinned and the meat was cooking. "It'll be ready soon, Arcane." She called up to him. After a few moments, she received no response. She peered over her shoulder, now curious. "Arcane?" Again, no response. She quickly wiped her hands of the elk blood...
  10. BlackJade

    Put A Name To A Face! (Picture Thread)

    Kind of an old picture. :3 Sorry that it's so bright. >.<
  11. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    Jade smiled teasingly at the large white wolf. "Well, if you haven't been sleeping all the time for the past 3 days, maybe you'd have a better record. Hmm?" She laughed slightly, looking at Arcane. He huffed in response and stretched again. "Blah blah blah. So, are you going to skin that elk...
  12. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    ooc: You can just reply back to the rp. That way you don't have to repeat anything. Unless you want to, it's up to you. :P
  13. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    ooc; Poopdood. It's okay though. :D
  14. BlackJade

    I Have a Secret!

    Haha, that's my character's name! :D But hello!
  15. BlackJade

    Newbie says hello! :3

    Thank you! :D
  16. BlackJade

    Legends of Ithilien

    Medieval Roleplay. Region: Ithilien Races: Humans, Fae (Elves), Nymphs, Sirens, Faeries, Dwarves, Goblins, Trolls. Background: Man is separated from mythical. In their religious views of honor and fighting they solely avoid any magical being. Mythical creatures are looked down upon...
  17. BlackJade

    Newbie says hello! :3

    Thank you! :D You guys are really nice.
  18. BlackJade

    Newbie says hello! :3

    Definitely don't know what I'm doing, but hello! Haha. :D