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  1. Alchemist

    Kudamono (Kuppo) Rea sketch

    I like the bottom one. Don't doubt your work, you seem talented enough to know about fine details.
  2. Alchemist

    Mystic Midnight Academy for The Gifted.

    Ran jumped. Someone just spoke to her, she turned around. The man bowed and asked the golden question. Her eyes sparkled. "Oh, yes! I need to find the female dorm rooms. What direction is it?" She tugged her blond hair, a habit she wishes she could break. Looking around, she sees that she hasn't...
  3. Alchemist

    Grensbury Penitentiary Academy Registration

    So tell me, what's your full name? Juliet Nevaeh Rain. Don't say it's cute, I'm changing it once I'm old enough. How old are you? I'm 15, how old are you? What year are you in? Hey, I wanted an answer to that question. Year one, my first. Tell me a little of your (criminal)...
  4. Alchemist

    Mystic Midnight Academy for The Gifted.

    Ran walked slowly through the school's double-doors. She feared that she would get lost if she would run to get something, or her "powers" as the school called it, would act up and she wouldn't touch the ground. Ran didn't have to hide her wings. They weren't angelic, more futuristic looking in...
  5. Alchemist

    [IDEA,REVIVAL] Final Exam

    Ok, I'd join.
  6. Alchemist

    [IDEA,REVIVAL] Final Exam

    Just two questions, How would they know that it's the correct person when they find it, and how do they capture the soul?
  7. Alchemist

    Mystic Midnight Academy for The Gifted... Sign up and Stuff

    Name: Ran Age: 15 Gender: female Appearance: Power: Flight, healing touch. Class: white Crush: not yet Other: Powers considered angelic
  8. Alchemist

    Hey guys

    Thank you heartsteal.
  9. Alchemist

    Hey guys

    I'm Alchemist. Thats all. :dot dot: I'm new. I like fantasy and realistic role play