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  1. Rinsette


    Hi guys, I'm a daydreamer with the tendency to disappear for moments at a time. I'm not necessarily new per say, but I RP'd here about a year ago. I'm trying to get back into the wondrous, illustrious world of writing so here I am again. Hopefully, I won't be disappearing anytime soon. EDIT: I...
  2. Rinsette

    i've returned. ♥

    i've returned. ♥
  3. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    {slide=Right | H O M E } {/slide} In the fragile moment of dreaming and sudden reality, sun rays leak through the blinds, slicing the room into shades of sunlight and darkness. Formless murmurs utter from her mouth as she stirs awake, sheets and covers wrapped tightly around her; warm...
  4. Rinsette

    I am a masterpiece , a disaster , and a work in progress ; simultaneously.

    I am a masterpiece , a disaster , and a work in progress ; simultaneously.
  5. Rinsette


  6. Rinsette

    It feels like I've been here for ages.. yet I still haven't RP'd with anyone yet. LOL.

    It feels like I've been here for ages.. yet I still haven't RP'd with anyone yet. LOL.
  7. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    Yeah that's what I figured ;-; its just a little harder to see stuff on mobile and go back and forth between the threads. But it's okay bb I'll make it work!!!
  8. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    @SpectroVector would you mind posting the "casts" applications in the envy chat?? that way i can easily pin point everyone so i can create my relationships a bit easier... or i could do it tbh but i dont know if i'd be out of line doing it lmao
  9. Rinsette

    Other What's your favourite ice cream flavour?

  10. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    seriously, my coding is clean because literally that's all i know how to do mk. i couldnt make it messy even if i wanted to. :| BUT really you're welcome!! @pulpfiction I'm really good at playing a bitch heh he he heh heh
  11. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    I love clovers backstory and her sister omg I felt for her @pulpfiction does that mean the sidekick position is filled??? @SpectroVector I CANT WAIT TO WRITE THIS STORY WTF YALL OUR CHARACTERS ARE SO DEVELOPED
  12. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    HAAAHHAHA WHATNNO. seriously my coding just.. WOW NO. it took me 7 years to do this and it was SO SIMPLEEEEE @pulpfiction It's funny you say that though bc I was literally fangirling over your layout when I was making mine. I was seriously like "... I should just give up now tbh look at all...
  13. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    eyyy, thanks for choosing me! I'm so excited for this rp hehe.
  14. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    OKAYYYY I FINALLY FINISHED OMF. //cries. I hate myself for procrastinating even on things I enjoy. ;-;
  15. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    "Words are the most destructive of them all. You can both create and destroy, all in the same breath." {slide=Right | B A S I C S} n a m e: Emilia Rivendell a g e: 18 g e n d e r: female s e x u a l i t y: heterosexual r o l e: the cheerleader e t h n i c i t y: TBA b i r t...
  16. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    I'm gonna need that day extension too!! I've pretty much got my layout done but I really want to make this detailed so I need a bit more time!
  17. Rinsette

    Realistic or Modern the colour of envy

    I'm really interested in this, I just now kinda saw it and I realized the deadline is tomorrow. I'll try to write something up really quick tomorrow if that's okay with you!!
  18. Rinsette

    ; dripping with syn [ closed ! ]

    Hiiii, I'd love to maybe start up something with you. My postings are around 700-900 words, I'm willing to write just about anything as long as I'm fully interested, but I have a soft spot for fluff and romance. I mainly do MxF, and I usually write female. I'm not very interested in...
  19. Rinsette

    Fantasy Tales of Aurezia

    I'm interested too!
  20. Rinsette

    Fantasy Tales of Aurezia

    Will most definitely be participating in this one, if I can! I went through the interest check too.