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  1. Oddball

    Fantasy Small Gods Character Sheet

    ...url(; --bgHexPosition: center center; --bgHexSize: auto; --bgHexRepeat: repeat; --bgHexOpacity: 1; @Lexielai *noOverflow* [div class=infoFlexContainer] [div class=menuContainer] [div class=menuFlexContainer] oneTAB Cover twoTAB Earth Persona...
  2. Oddball

    Fantasy Small Gods [Slice-of-Life]

    Wow, this seems very interesting! Mind if I hop on the band wagon as well? Preferably as a divine god.
  3. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

  4. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    Well to be honest with ya, I don't think we can continue on at this point; its a shame really. This RP just froze late last month so I'm currently unsure of how to revive this. You could of course still post if you'd like but the lack of activity it killing it (if its not dead already) 
  5. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    And if anyone missed me, don't worry I'm still alive lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    Its still open, but things have been sluggish lately (my fault partially lol) but feel free to join, we're always open
  7. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

    The door I was leaning on opened and fell through. " Miss Gwendoline is expecting you all, please come in and have a seat. We have breakfast here if you haven't ate yet."   Ow! I hit my head on the floor and flinched, but when my eyes flung open I was greeted with the loveliest sight! A pair of...
  8. Oddball

    Story Suggestions/ Reality Shenanigans

    I don't mind if we start all over, or if we keep it. I'm just waiting for @Fear Fates to make his posts
  9. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    Sure no problem
  10. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

    I wonder what kinds of torture they employ here... Hrmm... I was lost in thought until I felt everything got fast. "Good god! Why!?" I felt an impact on my back, I was thrown on to a wall? No, a door by the sound of it. I looked up and I saw Wick and his then apparent extension @Wick @Rui and...
  11. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    I see you @Seraph come on by and post ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  12. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC) a beautiful bromance 'ere.) 4.@Lava x @Quinn Sheon x @ThatDove (Oh dear, oh me, oh my... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) 5.@XxCharColexX x @XxBetaWolfxX (*kek*) 6.@Zombocalypse x @RomanticDaffodil (I'm not even sure about this, but okay...) 7. @Mister Veeeee x @LunaCrosby (Oh my think about the...
  13. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    I'm not mad lol, I'm just fetching the list ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  14. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    Soon enough son, soon enough
  15. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    Hey just an announcement guys, if someone seems to be alone for whatever reason, try to interact with them on your own initiative. I find this helps when roleplaying! :-D Lets try to get everyone involved to keep this RP going strong, I know some people find it hard to start the conversation...
  16. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

    ...The darkness... It stirs... I pulled out the gun from under my pillow and shot at my ceiling. The shadows shifted even more and I pulled my sheets across me as a veil and narrowly evaded swift bolts that plunged into the wall behind me. I fired more but the shadow evaded all of them with the...
  17. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    FREEDOM, time to make a post. I've been delinquent far too long.
  18. Oddball

    Corvus Tristram

    Name: Corvus Tristram Age: 21   Race: Human Gender: Male Appearance: Corvus when not in combat wears a hardy leather Jerkin and a tattered long white cloak to stave off the cold. Scars are etched on his face from the myriad fights against dragons and from his own past...
  19. Oddball

    Story Suggestions/ Reality Shenanigans

    But first we need to start danking this OOC thread. "Make Dragon Anomaly Dank Again"
  20. Oddball

    Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

    I apologize for lack of presence right now, I am busy with lots of things finals that I can't go into. I shall get the ball rolling sometime later this week