Search results for query: *

  1. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Albion While the prospect of this meeting being just a coincidence was far too convenient for him, Vandyr didn't appear to be the type of person to go about lying and consorting with these types of people. It was the fact that this man was skulking about here was the part that put off the fae...
  2. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Aftermath Rather unimpressed was the only way to describe the man's thoughts as he fell, glass and concrete zooming past and wind howling, Morgan squeezed the icicle embedded in his armored hands until they broke apart with a satisfying crack, chunks of ice now following him with his descent...
  3. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf CS & Application

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers & subheaders body text to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) -----sidebar----- ----image----...
  4. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Nosk Nosk smiled in smug satisfaction witnessing the man before him writhe about after being impaled, he circled the man for a moment as his throat weaved itself back together, flesh stitching flesh until no more blood seeped from the wound. Nosk gives a mocking bow hearing the quite on the...
  5. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Nosk Despite clearly being at a disadvantage the entire battle Nosk's twisted smile never fades, he stands to his feet river water dripping off his hand, he would most likely lose this host if this continued in this manner after all Aiden's body is reaching its absolute limit. For just a...
  6. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Nosk Nosk smirked at the man's comment, it was clear that Julius thought Aiden was still alive in this corpse puppet, ah how fun Nosk nearly laughed at the thought of it. However there was a nagging feeling at the back of his mind, why exactly did these people want Aiden dead? These were no...
  7. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Nosk Everything was going nearly perfectly, after branding Alexia as his new host Nosk would get rid of the rest of these "loose ends" those being the other witnesses in this meeting, the wider world would once again be blissfully unaware of the existence of Nosk. He grinned from ear to ear...
  8. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Nosk Stocks? Profits? How overwhelmingly dull. Nosk felt a deep boredom just listening to this uninteresting speech, Alexia was a wonderful liar if anything, they shared that in common anyways. Nosk debated on whether he should continue to even bother to play the role of Aiden as its doubtful...
  9. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Nosk Nosk's feeling of sheer boredom had yet to be dispelled, and the fact that the Council's dogs, those Detectives are present proves to be yet another annoyance. If they happen to get involved with his next few actions then he really may have to massacre the entire room, what a pity some of...
  10. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf (CLOSED)

    Nosk Aiden Graham, that was the name of the man Nosk selected as a host, Nosk recalled the look upon his face when he approached him, a look of utter desperation and despair, how pathetic. Nosk had to restrain a laugh just picturing it now, his eyes wandered around the meeting room, noting the...
  11. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf CS & Application

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers & subheaders body text to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) -----sidebar----- ----image----...
  12. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf - OOC/Discussion

    They are essentially a neutral wet-working faction currently in the artificial continent They exclusively take contracts out on mages and nephil
  13. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf - OOC/Discussion

    That's fine with me, feel free to add any lore you want
  14. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf - OOC/Discussion

    I think it looks good, I'll have Force look it over too to make sure it lines up with the current lore
  15. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf - OOC/Discussion

    We're going to try to get it up and running ASAP however we'll wait for everyone to get ready before starting anything
  16. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf: An urban sci fi fantasy rp (18+) (CLOSED)

    Of course anyone is free to join! As for where to start we don't really have anything formal it's basically just if you're interested and you read the lore page, you can make a character The links on the code we used weren't working so Here is the OOC Thread Here is the Thread for the...
  17. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf CS & Application

    Everything looks good, a rp with a opening post will be up soon.
  18. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf CS & Application

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers & subheaders body text to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) -----sidebar----- ----image----...
  19. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf - OOC/Discussion

    OOC Thread for Project Guf Welcome, feel free to ask any questions or discuss the rp itself here.
  20. calamityone

    Multiple Settings Project Guf: An urban sci fi fantasy rp (18+) (CLOSED)

    I believe we're going to do OOC on RPN we just haven't made a thread just yet, we'll definitely get a thread for that going soon