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  1. Lumina Stygian


  2. Lumina Stygian

    Hobbies? Interests? Anyone?

    Cool, Tristan! I draw, write, am a cosplayer, love making workable prop models, studying guns and stuff to do with the military. I play the violin and a bit of the piano and mod nerf guns too~ I'm a gamer too but I play a variety of games, my favourite being Maplestory(SEA). (Yeah I'm actually...
  3. Lumina Stygian

    Hobbies? Interests? Anyone?

    The sound of a gun being loaded and cocked is oddly satisfying
  4. Lumina Stygian


    Hey~ I'm new to the forum and I'm so confused as to how stuff around here works. I've been rp-ing for a while now, but I have absolutely no ideas how all the little buttons on the site work... ^^;;;