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  1. E

    Among the Nations [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. E

    Among the Nations [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. E

    Among the Nations

    She's... Prone to disappearances. Could be for the life of this thread, could be back tomorrow. She has good reason, though. At least, historically. I'm in the dark atm as well. Always accepting! As Ankou is AWOL, I guess it's just me deciding... Sent from my HTC M7 with Tapatalk
  4. E

    Among the Nations

    ...It's over. Exam week is over. But there is not yet joy, only relief. I am not yet human, only a survivor. .... That said, I'll try to post soon, guys!
  5. E

    Among the Nations [Inactive]

    North Samifeha ((Yes, I rewrote Zhamiffiefia to look more like an Oesti name)) North Face of the Poiliar Range A wide, wild stretch of ground opened itself before the Zhamiffiefian as he crested the mountains. Dense tropical forests dominated the lowlands, fed by the flow of warm, wet air...
  6. E

    Among the Nations

    Planning to post tonight. Response to Schmunky, something about a trail across the torrid zone, maybe clearing up how my ships cross too, more magic... Kougami, I'm thinking I should launch an expedition towards your guys. Maybe a human nomad from the interior shows up in the Confederation...
  7. E

    Among the Nations

    Yes, yes. Just maintain proper population density and reasonable patterns. Sent from my HTC M7 with Tapatalk
  8. E

    Among the Nations

    *cricket chirp*
  9. E

    Among the Nations

    Well, I've done it. Took me forever to get it going, but I've got three story arcs rolling now.
  10. E

    Among the Nations [Inactive]

    ((LETS GET IT R-R-ROLLING!)) Open Ocean South of Azell Islands Deck of the Saint Eril's Promise After nine hours of struggle, the Saint Eril's Promise and her crew emerged from the stormclouds's shadow. They were afloat and in good spirit, as the tailwinds of the storm were strong enough...
  11. E

    Among the Nations

    I'm just thinking about my civ. You guys can start if you want. I'm not planning to do a general world intro... Oh God, now I wanna dredge up some of our old thread intros... Sent from my HTC M7 with Tapatalk
  12. E

    Among the Nations

    I have the feeling I should start this, but I don't know where to start xD . Sent from my HTC M7 with Tapatalk
  13. E

    Among the Nations

    Oskar's right! Now that I'm really thinking about it, MMORPG websites's concept art sections might be really good sources.
  14. E

    Among the Nations

    ...The purple represents their princely character (PURPLE IS THE MANLY COLOR OF KINGS!). The red is the "bond of blood", both blood spilled and shared *cough* human *cough* blood. Blue refers to them being an island/seafaring nation. The white lines are there because they look pretty
  15. E

    Among the Nations

    Player List Nation/Pg #/Creator Maritime Confederacy of the Oesti Principalities and Holdings OR Rausfar Empire/1/Embluss Zhamiffiefia/1/**Schmunky** The Kingdom of Laon/1/Rynnki Ellisium/1/KillerKougami D'vermium Drawr Grontak OR Vermum/1/Oskar DiLondra Bio Sheet Official Name...
  16. E

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback One of the tabs on the RP view... Post your bio there with the tag thing I added up above the bio sheet. Sorry, I've been doing homework since I got home. I had a religion essay on the seven virtues and got carried away and almost...
  17. E

    Among the Nations

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  18. E

    Among the Nations [Inactive]

    Among the Nations - Steer your civilization through a mythic world Read more about this role play... Sorry for the delay, I've been doing homework for two days straight.
  19. E

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

    Copypasta from the OP... Now that I think about it I need to be able to control the map page... Hmm... Might find time. Dunno. Sent from my HTC M7 with Tapatalk
  20. E

    Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

    Emblooss is busy today, but Ankou may make the thread if Ankou wishes. The pride of Embluss is not sensitive. Sent from my HTC M7 with Tapatalk