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  1. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Oooh! What a beautiful costume and maks! *A*! Welcome in the army, soldier! B3
  2. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Thank youuuu! Aaaah such a beautiful people are here TvT
  3. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Aaaaaahhh yes yes You're more than welcome! *3* The link is in on of my posts, in the word "I'm done!" (o'v'o)
  4. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Gray ran quickly through every alley of the town. It was really dark, and the streets were only illuminated by the streetlights, a dim light that paint a gloomy atmosphere. Very few people were walking out of the place were the event was. "I'll be late for sure" She shook her head. Suddenly...
  5. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    owo! Uwo! Perfect! *3* You're good to go ;3
  6. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Gray gazed the ceiling, her eyes were thinking by themselves. Rotten memories, forgot thoughts. The clock said 7 o'clock and a loud trill broke the streaming of her memories. She got up and sat on her bed, her eyes sought the most important thing of her room. When she found it, she put down her...
  7. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Awwww Love the picture TWT Okay people! We can START! *3*
  8. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Ohohohoho woa, so much beautiful characters and posts indeed! I have to practice more with the BBcodes of this site *emo corner*... Anyway! We'll start tomorrow, I have a terrible headache xD
  9. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Aasaaah yes go ahead and post! Uwa! Davvero? Che cosa troppo bella xD (No ok I'll stop uwu)
  10. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    And I leave for two-three hours and thats what I found! xD Aaah hope we'll organize good with so much players~ Okay Then! We just have to wait the others and we're all set! Since I'm a...forgetful person, check the main posts sometimes, I'll add something xD And yes, I added some...
  11. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Okay people! I'm done! I'm fixing some things, but you can go ahead and post! I have to go for a while, so take your time!
  12. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade - Settings/Locations

    Well, this town is a little bit...special (lie) uvu Its far from the normal world, but it still has xD BUT! The only transport is...HORSES! Why? Don't know, I think that horses are cool and fits in everything! Better than car anyway... SO! The picture that can give a...
  13. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    In a dark town, far away from the normal world, every 2nd of November the residents celebrate an event. "The Great Masquerade" As the name say, every citizen wear a mask and have fun with the others, guessing their costume and mask. Also with various attraction. While everyone is...
  14. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    @Txtiger99, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  15. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    Real Name: Gender: Age: Birthday: Sexuality: Description or image: Mask (Name and image): Personality: Lost parents/relatives: Hobby: Skills: Other?: Masks Taken: 1.Pierrot 2.Harlequin 3.Crow 4.Colombina 5.Gnaga 6.Volto 7.Skull 8.Rabbit...
  16. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

  17. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    owo! Aaah so many people TWT *cry* Yes! *3* I think that we're fine now, that would be a mess if too much people will join (correct me if I'm wrong ._.)! Give me some time and we're good to go! *3*
  18. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    owo! Hi!! Of course! ;3
  19. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    owo!! Aaaaaahhh okay I'm crying T^T Give me some time to create and fix the rp, and all of you can join! Thanks again QWQ *punch* okay Now stop uwu
  20. TxTiger

    Fantasy The Masquerade

    o3o! Really?! Aaaah I'm gonna cry for sure, I feel I will TvT This is, obviously, a rough plot. Other will come later owo Thanks