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  1. Fae Magic

    Fantasy Seekers Of Ash

    This sounds interesting, if its still open? What would our characters be?
  2. Fae Magic

    Realistic or Modern The Titanic

    Not really my type if thing. I prefer action, romance, intrigue... more like the movie than real life. Sorry
  3. Fae Magic

    Realistic or Modern The Titanic

    Ah, oh well. I don't know enough about the titanic for it to be accurate. Sorry
  4. Fae Magic

    1on1 long term romance RP with a female

    Sounds good, pm me
  5. Fae Magic

    Realistic or Modern The Titanic

    Interesting, what type of rp are you looking for with this?
  6. Fae Magic

    Realistic or Modern Eyes

    Sounds interesting if youre still looking for a partner? What type of relationship do you do (MxF, etc)? How many lines/paragraphs do you do on average? Whats your style?
  7. Fae Magic

    Fantasy Discovery

    If you don't like the starter but are interested in the world, feel free to pm me for a different roleplay :)
  8. Fae Magic

    Fantasy Discovery

    My character: Name: Arabella Elise Greenwood Nickname: Ari (rarely used) Age: 19 Species: Faerie Nationality: Albian Sexual orientation: Bisexual Occupation: n/a Appearence: Arabella is short, standing at only 5'0"/153cm, and slender with subtle feminine curves. She has pale...
  9. Fae Magic

    Fantasy Discovery

    Character: Faeries: Faeries are the result of a rare genetic mutation, although the cause is not yet known by scientists. Faeries are anatomically identical to humans but tend to be prettier and have an extended lifespan - they also tend to have very defined cheekbines but this is not alway...
  10. Fae Magic

    Fantasy Discovery

    The northern city of Discovery was a fort built into the side of a great mountain when the country was first founded and was the country's strongest city. It was where the royals fled to in times of danger and where the Guild, the country's protectors, were based. In days of old it had been...
  11. Fae Magic

    Fantasy Discovery

    Discovery is a historical fantasy roleplay set in Albion, a country in an alternate universe that is heavily based on Medieval England. Magic does exist but nothing over the top and the majority of the magic is nature based - ie. earth, water, fire, et cetera - and only weilded by trained mages...
  12. Fae Magic

    Fantasy Discovery

    Hi! I'm FaeMagic and I play Arabella Greenwood in this roleplay. As you can see from my prompt, I prefer book style roleplay and expect proper punctuation, grammer, and spelling as much as possible - I'm on my phone so I know spelling can be a problem at times, just try to be as accurate as...
  13. Fae Magic

    One x One Supernatural: FBI Investigator (sastiel/destiel/wincestiel)

    Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester needed
  14. Fae Magic

    Supernatural: FBI Investigator (sastiel/destiel/wincestiel)

    Castiel Novak had worked for the FBI for fifteen years as a profiler, which wasn't as exciting as the television shows made it look. If anything he was a pencil pusher, someone the real agents gave thier paperwork to when they didn't want to do it and definitely not somebody who went in field...
  15. Fae Magic

    One x One Tales of Ascalon I - The Wilds of Jassai

    // Hi! This world seems really interesting :) Could be rp this or a simmilar rp over pm?
  16. Fae Magic


    Thank you everyone for your welcome :)
  17. Fae Magic

    One x One King and Subject

    @Fae Magic, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  18. Fae Magic

    One x One King and Subject

    PRINCE needed. One person only. (The Prince can be a Princess is prefered) Please start from where I left off, the Prince is in the bakery unless you have a specific idea. Please be detailed but reply doesn't have to be as long as the prompt. (Sorry for spelling mistakes)
  19. Fae Magic

    King and Subject

    It has been three hundred years since the fae realm closed its gates to humans and sinse then anybody more than half human has been considered wierd. Few people are out right discriminative but it is rare to see a full human anymore because most humans have unsurprisigly married fae natives. Its...
  20. Fae Magic


    PM me and we can discuss roleplays!