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  1. Mercenary Mayheam

    Futuristic A World Divided.

    Aaand I just woke up. Someone bring me up to speed.
  2. Mercenary Mayheam

    Futuristic Futuristic Trench Warfare Thing!

    Bummer. Hard to find Futuristic Warfare these days nao. :(
  3. Mercenary Mayheam

    Futuristic Futuristic Trench Warfare Thing!

    This still going on? Cause I'm interested.
  4. Mercenary Mayheam

    Future Warfare

    Name: Blitz Zhavanx Nickname: Techno // Goddess Of Technology Age: 19 Technician Type: Advanced Tech Personality: Blitz loves technology more than anything, including others and her own life. It's a strength and a weakness to her own well being. To allies, she'll help anyone she thinks...
  5. Mercenary Mayheam

    Hallo, Fellow Roleplayers

    Uh...thanks? Contact me again when the group RP is set or for something related to the RP. I'm going to be getting some much-needed art completed that's over-due.
  6. Mercenary Mayheam

    Hallo, Fellow Roleplayers

    Shǎndiànzhàn is more of a strategist when in a group, but she's usually solo. But I can see her being an officer.
  7. Mercenary Mayheam

    Hallo, Fellow Roleplayers

    Wait, what? 'Standard Officer'? Please excuse me, but I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  8. Mercenary Mayheam

    Hallo, Fellow Roleplayers

    Hmm. Well, lucky for you I happen to have an OC dedicated to this type of RP. Shǎndiànzhàn The Swords-Master is a telekinetic, blind in the eyes, Single Sword Master. (Shan-den-zh-an) Will this be a Group RP in Medieval times?
  9. Mercenary Mayheam

    Hallo, Fellow Roleplayers

    Vielen Dank für die Begrüßung . A Medieval war in zero physical ranged weapons, and 100% Magic and Melee? Hmm. What kind of Medieval part we talking about here? England? Chinese? Or just general in Asia?
  10. Mercenary Mayheam

    Hallo, Fellow Roleplayers

    I am what most people refer to as either an interesting RP partner or someone people ramble to when they need someone to talk to. I am a moderate experienced Roleplayer with a knack for combat and/or war scenes alongside futuristic settings and creative objects. RP Type: I love to RP, but I...
  11. Mercenary Mayheam

    They say truth is the first casualty of war...

    But who defines what's true? just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil - that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I've found is the...