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  1. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee just stood there in shock. "S-s orry, It's like I said ins-" Kaycee waved her hand in the air as if she was shooing a fly away. "Forget It. Why bother with him?" She thought and then glanced at Oblito while pushing her glasses up.That is until a memory arose about what the girl...
  2. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee jumped at the other trolls voice. She reached to pick up the chakrams and put them back in their rightful spot. Her eyes were wide open when she saw him tele-, Kaycee almost forgot space users get offended when you use the word teleport,move from one spot to another. She wondered if the...
  3. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee's eyes opened wide as she saw the thing spring out, there wasn't much to do so she did the first thing that popped into her head and she flung her chakrams at it causing it to fall down by her weapon's wait. "Are you OK? Who... or WhaT is that?" Kaycee jumped off the robot and looked...
  4. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee smiled at the boys response, she thought about what he said. "He has a PoinT..." Kaycee was now curious about the inside of the robot, she had just realized that Oblito had asked her a question. "No, NO I hAven't seen this robot while I was alive...soooooo why is it here?" Kaycee...
  5. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    The robot may be slow while he walks, but his anger seemed to have quickened his movement. The robot was about to slash at Oblito, but Kaycee jumped on it's back and started to smack it with her chakrams. "It's a RoBoT you idiot, I'm pretty SurE they don't ListeN to anyone!" Kaycee quikly...
  6. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee intensely stares at the grass waiting for the troll, or thing to come out. Her eyes widen at the sight, a robot with massive body armor comes out of the grass. "Who BuiLT this, and is it ProtectinG something?" She thought to herself. She slowly got up as quietly and carefully as she...
  7. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kayee grunts as dirt falls on her purple cloak/cape, but is in awe as she watches the needles go right through the grass... "Did you Hear that?"
  8. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee rubbed her back, which she had now fallen on twice. She growled and snapped her tongue at the metal object. She slashed at the object only to be thrown back near the highblood.
  9. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    "At LasT I take lead!" Kaycee's smile went from one ear to the other showing her two pairs of double fangs and the smaller ones in between. With swift and graceful movements she cut through the grass, that is until she hit something hard and fell back.
  10. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee smiled, and laughed. "We can jUst UsE my ChakramS! We can Also UsE your WeapoN." Kaycee took out her chakrams, purple and black, they were brilliantly shining in the light.
  11. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee didn't know who this Oblito troll wanted to invade, but she followed him in bewilderment. "This is Taking too long... Can't we just CuT the grass?" Kaycee suddenly lowered her head realizing the troll would probably get annoyed or angry at her for asking such a stupid question.
  12. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    "HighblOoD Lowblood, Make up your mind!" Kaycee glares at the boy, but she gets the feeling he wouldn't care so she sighs and pats herself clean. Kaycee ended up trying to hold in a giggle when she saw the troll's eyebrow raise, but her attempt ended in failure.
  13. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee looks up at the boy troll. "You areN't talking about MY HivE are you?" Kaycee tries to stop the troll but fails landing on her back in the grass.
  14. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee notices Oblito looking at her and looks towards the sea smilin, even though you couldn't breathe in it you loved the smell, sound, and the feeling of it. This was one of your best memories. Kaycee turns to reply but stops thinking... "I don't kNow. ExplorE! Hahahahaha!"
  15. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee suddenly felt like she couldn't breathe and started to picture her landscape. The landscape went from underwater to land next to the sea, Kaycee took a deep breath and smiled, although she felt happy she saw what it was like underwater even if only for a moment, she didn't want to feel...
  16. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee floats towards the shining object.
  17. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee looks at Ptolen and wonders why she's pouting, but soon gets distracted by something shining in the distance.
  18. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee looks at the troll with the straight horns and nods in understanding the instructions given.
  19. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Kaycee smirked "I would Like to see the MemorieS of a High Blood Sea- DwelleR very much."
  20. Xionkgbluestar

    Fandom Homestuck Nerds

    Her mind drifted away, wondering whether this was her memory. "Most liKely not MinE, I don't RemembeR this!"