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  1. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla gasped watching in horror. She began crawling for Zonarch's shoulder sinking her claws in as she climbed
  2. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla nuzzled deep into Zonarch's arm unknowingly sinking her claws deep into his forearm.
  3. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla's ears perked up as she listened.
  4. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla buried her face into the bend of Zonarch's arm cuddling as close to him as she could. The fur on her back bristled with fear as she peeked over his arm.
  5. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla immediately shrunk to a kitten and ran to Zonarch attempting to climb into his arms. She shook and stared at the door.
  6. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla Age:22 Abilities: shapeshift into small cat (great for scouting and robbing unsuspecting people)
  7. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla poked her head from under the bed and scanned the room before crawling all the way out. She grew back to normal size and sat cross legged on the floor. "Far to long I'm afraid. Last time I checked it had been three months of inn hopping. But I don't really know anymore."
  8. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla timidly crawled toward Zonarch. She watched him closely as her tail twitched with caution
  9. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla pushed herself further under the bed and curled up tight against the wall
  10. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    "But I'm not strong like you. I don't fight I mean I don't even really argue with anyone..." She shoke harder and suddenly shrunk into the small black kitten. She hopped off the bed and ran under the bed.
  11. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla looks down at her nibbled bread and whimpers softly. "I was just trying to find a home. One that didn't try to kill me.." She begins to shake and whimper.
  12. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    "Bread will good. Its strange though... everyone seems nice enough. How can a town that is so evil seems so.. so normal." She sat down and began picking at her bread nibbling on small bits.
  13. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla reached out to shake his hand, "Apparently I don't know much about this town." She whispered to Luskas
  14. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla quickly turned back into herself and tried to tuck her ears. "Wouldn't want to freak anyone out."
  15. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla circled a spot on the bed before laying down and tucking her paws under her. She stared at Zonarch with a questioning look.
  16. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla stared at him for a moment, "Well I suppose i could..." She immediately began to shrink to a small black kitten. She ran over and pounced on the bed.
  17. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla sat silently for a few moments and then stood up, "Well I suppose I should see about getting a room for the night. Thank you again for warning me. " She started to walk towards the door.
  18. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla smiled softly and reached a small hand with long sharp nails "Its lovely to meet you. I'm Séreméla." She purred softly, "But we have the little matter of... I'm so hungry."
  19. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla sits on the bed and stare silently at the floor, her ears twitched as she thought. She looks up at the man. "I still don't know your name though.."
  20. Sincerekitty

    Arai [closed]

    Séreméla looks shocked as the ale drips in her lap. She waves off the bartender as he reaches for a mug. She jumps up and follows the man outside. She looks around as she walks into the middle of the road. Seeing him walking away she catches up. "Why did you knock my drink into my lap!? And...