Search results for query: *

  1. RavenTheWolf

    Fandom Wolves Of Yellowstone~Looking for a group

    Complete wolf, no human. (Despite one comment I have). And once a day is fine. I don't intend to make the role-play rapid-fire and I'll be sympathetic if you can't post if you were busy in real life.
  2. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka saw that Lucas wasn't there, and his roommate wasn't either. She'd spent too long looking for them both and eventually gave up and went to class. She was fed up with this academy. Aka was far past the lines of frustration, social problems, or even anger. Which was bad, considering she had...
  3. RavenTheWolf

    Fandom Wolves Of Yellowstone~ A Wolf RP (OPEN

    (We need more male wolves, yes. Also, shout out to @DeathValley105 for creating a male wolf and to @Everyone else who created characters. This role-play will be very interesting. The role-play will start when two more male wolves join, any rank still free. @EllieBug, choose another rank to start...
  4. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka picked herself off the floor and dusted herself off, though there wasn't much dust to be found even on the floors of Starlight Academy. She re-brushed her hair, pulling at the curls so they looked more compact then frizzy. But as she was looking in the mirror, an eye turned purple. But...
  5. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    (Last post before bed):: Aka felt the usual emotions of social situations flow through her. So far, not going well. She sighed and went back to the empty dorm room. Aka reached into her pocket for the pen and pencil she carried with her and found them. But there wasn't anything too...
  6. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka sighed and finished the last of her food, then threw it away and headed back to her room. No roommates, she sighed. 'I guess I could ask Lucas to be my roommate...he seems nice' she muttered to herself.
  7. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka chuckled at Lucas joke. "That's interesting." she said. Heat had made Luca's face reappear, she noted, though she was not about to start a fight.  "M-my fire doesn't seem to hurt me...but other fire does...lucky me." Aka said sarcastically, a half smile returning to her face. ...
  8. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka glanced over at this girl Aki and felt nervous yet jealous at the same time. 'Just when she had been talking to someone...Now, I would be too nervous with another person around' Aka thought. "I-I'm Aka." She said, unintentionally bringing the flame back into her hand. But this time, she...
  9. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    "Well, your head's gone." Aka said, hiding a laugh. "As for me...well, that's really all I have control over now. I think I know the main things I can do, but I'm sure there are others..." Aka said, daydreaming a bit as she remembered the first time she had discovered her powers. "So...
  10. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka took a deep breath, and, in answer, she opened her palm and held it up, a small but robust flame flickering.  "Um, well, fire powers I guess. Don't be scared..." she said, blurting the last bit, because that was what she was most afraid of with her powers. Bumblebee
  11. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka nodded. "T-thanks...sorry about my stammer, I, uh don't exactly socialize much. But, nice to meet you Lucas."  Aka said, taking a seat cautiously.  Bumblebee
  12. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka nervously walked into the canteen, noticing many kids older then her. She was fourteen, but some kids look 17, maybe 18. It terrified her. She walked towards the area with the least people, which happened to be a fruit bar. Loading her plate with fruit and an egg, she glanced around...
  13. RavenTheWolf

    Fandom Wolves Of Yellowstone~Looking for a group

    Hello there,  I'm Raven, relatively new to this site and looking for some people to join my wolf role-play. You won't find it listed on the fandom role-play section however (I'm not sure exactly why, but I've checked) and I wanted people to see it out. It's a slightly-unrealistic wolf...
  14. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    ...and sighed with relief as she saw a warm but empty hallway outside.  "Looks like everyone's already there..." Aka muttered under her breath.
  15. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Changed, Aka rushed to the door, feeling a moment of paranoia as she grasped the knob and turned it...
  16. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Aka groaned as the flash of light hit the back of her eyes. "Good morning, students!"  Everything yesterday had been a flash...the gas, the coughing, collapsing in bed. She had't noticed wether the dorm had others in it. Blinded, she stumbled out of bed and noticed a small pack of...
  17. RavenTheWolf

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    @Caffeine Freak I edited out my post on Aka so it follows the rules. Go take a look at it please. Sorry, I wasn't quite sure about if the white line of text was from this role-play or another one.)
  18. RavenTheWolf

    Fandom Wolves Of Yellowstone~ A Wolf RP (OPEN

    (No kidding. But I like detailed pasts.)
  19. RavenTheWolf

    Fandom Wolves Of Yellowstone~ A Wolf RP (OPEN

    Name: Raven Gender: Female Age: 2- 2.5 years old Rank: Alpha Female  Looks: Jet black with thick, sleek, ruffled fur. Raven has a long muzzle, large eyes and ears, a long neck, large paws, long legs, and a lean, small figure. All four paw pads are pink and so is her nose. She has a...