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  1. AryaMorningstar

    In the Beginning..............................

    Odeox Binks Odeox loved mayhem. Loved it! It was so funny...  She thought she heard Castor screaming, he was such a silly prince - always making her giggle. Then again, everyone and everything made her laugh. Her favourite moment of the day so far had been when that Richard Richards...
  2. AryaMorningstar

    In the Beginning..............................

    Koray carefully picked straw out of Blackjack's coat and brushed him down. He loved all the horses, but Blackjack was byfar his favourite. He glanced down at the open book on the floor.  Recently he'd been learning how to make his own arrows, he found that the usual castle ones flew slightly to...
  3. AryaMorningstar

    Odeox Binks

    Name:  Odeox Binks Age: 31 Sex/ Gender: female   Personality: loud, giggly and extremely irritating   Short History: she just appeared in the lake one day, and started living at the castle. She was allowed to stay, so long she keeps the frog population at bay. She likes basically...
  4. AryaMorningstar


    Done @TyTydaDog
  5. AryaMorningstar


    Name:  Koray (surname unknown) Age: 14  Sex/ Gender: Male  Personality: Quiet, loyal, studious  Short History : He was born in a far away, unknown land. Much about him is unknown, as he was abandoned at the castle as a young child. He has lived there ever since, he serves the Royals, and...
  6. AryaMorningstar

    Fantasy Protectors

    Name: Jannik (Jan) Laufeyson  Age: 16 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Crush(optional): none yet Powers(can't be op.): Can control all the elements (fire, water, earth, air) although water and earth are undeveloped. His main element is fire, which he can create from nothing, the...