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  1. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    “Do you have any idea of the lengths one has to go to in order to obtain an authentic Victorian tailcoat in this day and age? I assure you it was more than slightly tiresome. However it was worthwhile so now I will have to go through it all over,” Sebastian explained with a tried sigh. He didn't...
  2. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    Sebastian watched as Winifred closed the door behind her. He waited a few moments before petting the cat once more and trailing Winifred out the door. One of the many things he had not yet explained to his new mistress was the fact that the mark she now bore on her eye allowed him to find her at...
  3. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    “Yes, he is,” Sebastian responded to Winifred’s momentary lapse in character. The pieces of his mistress were beginning to fall into place. She proved to be quite an interesting puzzle, as was the case with most of the humans who dared to enter in a pact with him. He watched her happiness be...
  4. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    “If you are referring to how I was able to secure lodging for you within minutes, let us just say that I have a precarious talent for getting precisely what I want. Which of course truly means I am capable of obtaining whatever my master or mistress desires,” Sebastian explained casually as he...
  5. A'zaia

    Crowns Before Vows (Ihaveprobs X A'zaia)

    Isabel sipped her wine with a smile. Her husband was proving to be more intriguing than she had dared thought. She could tell from his smile that he had some dark aspirations. Isabel had not anticipated finding someone of like mind in her exile. “Yes, even your sequestered wife has heard the...
  6. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    “It was bestowed on me by a former master. I have kept it since…” Sebastian said in response to her compliment. For a brief moment he was pulled back to the brief life he had lived with the Earl before their contract had been fulfilled. The memory brought a smirk to Sebastian lips but he quickly...
  7. A'zaia

    Crowns Before Vows (Ihaveprobs X A'zaia)

    Isabel took a generous sip of her wine once Elric echoed her toast. She watched her husband carefully out of the corner of her eye as he took but a small sip of wine. It would appear that the Duke was not a drinking man. Filing the information away, Isabel took another sip of wine before she...
  8. A'zaia

    Crowns Before Vows (Ihaveprobs X A'zaia)

    Isabel wasn't aware that the Duke held knowledge about the love she had shared with Lord Oswyn. Had she stopped to think about it, she probably wouldn't be surprised to discover his spies had ferreted out her little secret. Her husband’s fear of another man’s child growing within her was...
  9. A'zaia

    Crowns Before Vows (Ihaveprobs X A'zaia)

    She watched her husband’s expression with cold calculation in her eyes. Something must have happened to bring about this sudden change in his habits. Before tonight he had been perfectly content to ignore her almost completely. She had the sinking feeling that the Duke must need something from...
  10. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    The demon winced at the unsightly display of Winifred’s nonexistent manners but he did his best to hide it from his new mistress. “Your family, I see. These people must have performed a number of egregious sins against you to warrant a contract with a demon to ensure their demise. Rest...
  11. A'zaia

    Crowns Before Vows (Ihaveprobs X A'zaia)

    Lady Isabel had spent her day in a similar fashion to every other day she had wandered through in the past two months since marrying the duke. In the morning the little spies that served as her ladies in waiting helped her rise and dress for the day. She ate a small breakfast alone; the Duke...
  12. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    “I am simply following orders to the best of my ability,” Sebastian responded with mock modesty. Sebastian usually exceeded at nearly everything he did, it was necessary for his specified line of work. Her imagined he would see similar expressions of amazement as he helped Winifred in her...
  13. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    “As you wish, mistress.” He stood effortlessly as Winifred did, unfolding himself from his crouch much like a cat. He watched as she wiped her bloody hand on her ragged jeans and he unconsciously shook his head slightly. “I believe I will also find my mistress something new to wear,” Sebastian...
  14. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    Sebastian watched Winifred with fascination as she braved the searing pain of his brand. She was strong for a human he could sense that much from their brief meeting. Her soul, once he devoured it, would keep him sated for many years. She might even prove more filling than his favorite meal, an...
  15. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    “Very well then, human. A deal has been struck,” Sebastian said, a smile distinctly evident even in his inhuman voice. The darkness around him shifted, swallowing his raven form as it grew upwards. When it finally dissipated Sebastian stood in his human form before Winifred though his demonic...
  16. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    “Know that by striking a contract with me I will serve you to whatever end is necessary to achieve this, your darkest desire, but once it is complete your soul and life are forfeit. Do you understand what that means, human? You will not be able to relish the demise of your enemies…” Sebastian...
  17. A'zaia

    The Faustian Contract. (A'zaia&Bree)

    Sebastian had been slumbering peacefully when he was roused by the familiar pull of his invocation. It had been decades since a human had readily called him forth. Humans in this age were not as believing as they once were, choosing instead to simply forget the strange occurrences they witnessed...
  18. A'zaia

    City of Eternal Night {{Rafi & A'zaia}}

    This is a private roleplay between Rafi and A'zaia. Feel free to look in and read along but please keep your comments to yourself and absolutely no spamming as it is in violation of RP Nation's rules. Thank you! Plot So Far: A group of vampires has harnessed powerful magic to shroud their...
  19. A'zaia

    Clash of Earth and Fire {{The-Fire-Is-Rising & A'zaia}}

    This is a private roleplay between The-Fire-Is-Rising and A'zaia. Feel free to look in and read along but please keep your comments to yourself and absolutely no spamming as it is in violation of RP Nation's rules. Thank you! Plot So Far: A young man’s life changes when he is told he is...
  20. A'zaia

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    I kind of like limited character sheets. I like to let my characters evolve through the roleplay. Personally I like descriptions better than any pictures, and I only use anime pics if I'm doing a fandom. I can work on a title, I'm decent at that. I have titles for nine out of my ten novels...