Search results for query: *

  1. The Question

    Fandom The Island (Multiple Fandom IC)

    "I'm glad w-we were able to all meet up like this." Kaguya took a good look at everyone nearby. She tried getting Regina's attention by walking besides her at a reasonable distance. "Re... gina, was it? I s-see you as a group leader," Turning to face Matoi and Kai, she continued. "Don't you guys...
  2. The Question

    I love to play Pop'n Music~!

    I love to play Pop'n Music~!
  3. The Question

    Fandom The Island (Multiple Fandom IC)

    Kaguya caught herself, gasping a little as she was carried away, getting excited like would do once in a while. "E-excuse me..." To show how shameful she was of bursting out in front of someone new, she did a proper bow towards Regina. "I-I doubt this is a TV show... there's no cameramen and...
  4. The Question

    Fandom The Island (Multiple Fandom Rp OOC) (CLOSED).

  5. The Question

    Fandom The Island (Multiple Fandom IC)

    Kaguya did a slight smile as she concluded that she wasn't in much danger, for the time being. She then turned back to the sea to think, then looked back at Matoi and Kai. "To tell you the truth~ ...I'm from the Moon." Kaguya laughed a little. "I came to Earth to see what it was like, b-but this...
  6. The Question

    Fandom The Island (Multiple Fandom IC)

    Kaguya turned towards the voice that was calling for her. She finally noticed there were others, besides from these two. "A-ah, no... I'm not from around here." She waved a little. "Hello~ I'm Kaguya. Nice to m-meet you." She bowed a little. "Are you guys.. from this place...? I don't know...
  7. The Question

    Fandom The Island (Multiple Fandom IC)

    Regaining consciousness, the first thing Kaguya saw was a crab. Before anything, she quickly felt for her weapon. Good thing I didn't unequip my weapon when going in this new area, she thought. Then she tried to think of past events before she appeared before this crab. When she couldn't bring...
  8. The Question

    Fandom The Island (Multiple Fandom Rp OOC) (CLOSED).

    Are the other characters submitted automatically accepted?
  9. The Question

    Fandom The Island - Multiple Fandom RP Characters (CLOSED)

    "I logged in!" I'm Kaguya. N-Nice to meet you. Age: I don't exactly know... Gender: Female Canon: Onigiri (MMORPG game) Biography/Backstory/History: To sum it up, Kaguya isn't human; she's known as a 'Moonfol,' a species from the Moon. She spaces out often and slow speaking, which makes her...
  10. The Question

    Fandom The Island (Closed, Interest Check) (Multiple Fandom)

    Looks fun! Count me in!
  11. The Question

    Introduce Yourself!

    Good morning, everyone! It's great to have an account and be able to talk with you all! You can address me as (the) Question. I would like to roleplay again, but it's been several years, and I might be rusty, but that's okay! "See you later!"